Light Arises In The Darkness

Psalm 112:4(KJV)

Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.

What a powerful promise! The Psalmist reminds the upright that the Light of God will arise in their dark times, for He is Gracious, Full of Compassion, and Righteous. The character of uprightness guarantees Divine Guidance and Direction. It brings direction and brightens the life of a child of God. The upright can never be hopeless nor defeated because God’s Light will swell every darkness. John 8:12 says, “When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” When we walk with the Lord, we will be rewarded with light, direction, discernment, and revelation. On the other hand, unrighteousness brings darkness, which is why sinners cannot find their way in life as long as they remain in sin. As we die in this world day by day, the light will grow brighter. 

Good character is the key to Divine guidance and direction. When we strive to live a righteous life, we pave the way for a clear path forward. During times of adversity, the Holy Spirit is a constant reminder that satan’s darkness will not have dominion forever. God has already established a plan to lead us to triumph, no matter how challenging the circumstances may be. When we invoke His Name and relinquish control to Him, His light will shine through the darkness. Therefore, we should not lose hope or become despondent when faced with difficulties. James 1:2 says, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds.” James advises that relying on God can increase confidence when facing hardship from a position of strength. This is because God is Gracious, compassionate, and Righteous – providing a sense of security even during dark times. Furthermore, God’s unwavering devotion to His Word ensures that His light will shine upon us, illuminating the path forward. It is essential to maintain righteousness before Him, as this ensures that God will never fail us.

Beloved, let the light of righteousness guide you, for it brings brightness to your path. Avoid unrighteousness, for it invites darkness to cloud your way. As you walk in the light, prepare for your breakthroughs, promotion, and restoration! You’re in a prime position to see a flood of God’s Goodness. Keep praising Him and thanking Him, and stay in faith because His light will break through the darkness, for darkness cannot stay where there is light. Today, develop strong spiritual ‘muscle’ by spending time in His Word and taking it to heart. Determine to know God more intimately and keep your hope anchored in Jesus Christ through every storm. In light of your insufficiencies and weaknesses, the grace of God can provide a sufficient source of strength. By embracing your weaknesses, you can become vessels for the power of God to work through you. This understanding allows you to accept proudly and even celebrate your limitations, as it allows the power of a divine force to manifest through you. Reconnect with Him, watch as He illuminates all darkness and renews you with His pure light. Shine the Word on your path, and you will find it will give light to your feet!

O Lord, I thank You that Your light shines for me even when darkness surrounds me. Help me to recognize my place as a beneficiary of Your promises and blessings in Jesus’ Name.
