Lust Brings Sin

James 1:14-15(KJV)

But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

Lust is centered on satisfying oneself, which frequently results in unhealthy behaviors to satisfy one’s cravings without thinking about the repercussions. According to some, lust is “passion gone wrong” and is the deadliest of all terminal illnesses. It begins in the soul and travels throughout the body. It starts from the soul and spreads to the body. Lust is about possession and greed, which the devil always uses against believers. It could be money, power, sex, or materialism, and it is one of the significant temptations facing many today. The world today is filled with all sorts of profanity, vain activities, and uncontrolled emotions such as lust. The craving for that which is forbidden is highly deceitful. It may appear beautiful, but it is the highway to disaster. The sweet apple may look ripe, but inside, it may be rotten.

The flesh will pose to us with immediate and temporary gratification and cover up the ultimate, gigantic, and massive loss without recovery. Many people are drawn by their own lustful thoughts, leading them into further sin and death. Some have lost their destiny because of lust. Esau loved good food; he loved eating so much that the devil decided to use food to secure the loss of his destiny, and he fell for it (Genesis 25:29–35). Samson, because he lusted for women, lost his strength and eventually died(Judges 16:1-30). David lusted after Bathsheba, and she got pregnant; that began David’s problems. To cover up his sin of adultery, David murders by sending Uriah to his death and then takes Uriah’s wife as his own. David paid dearly for what he did(2 Samuel 11). Matthew 5:28 says, “But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” There is a saying, “If we know that eating something is dangerous, then why will we bring it to our nose to see what it smells like?” The story of Amnon and Tamar (2 Samuel 13:1-39) shows the destruction that follows, yielding to lust. Rather than flee, he had his way with his sister, and he faced the consequences of his actions. Romans 13:14 says, “But put ye on the LORD Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.” 

Beloved, do everything possible to avoid lust because before you know it, it will bring you into the pit of sin. If you have a secret admiration for the other sex, the devil will eventually discover it, and you will soon be fighting immorality or sexual passion. If you only want money, you will eventually find yourself in a position where, like Judas Iscariot, you will be tempted to sell out on your salvation or betray a close friend to get money. The pride of life, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes originate with the devil, not with God. Don’t allow anything to move from thought to lust. Never fall into the trap of lustful desires because it will lead you to sin. Flee from all appearances of evil, or put, lustful desires. BE CAREFUL AND WISE. Repent of any manifestation of lustful character in your life. Run to Jesus now before lust destroys you. Today, take on Christ’s identity, clothing yourself in His character. Make up your mind to follow the steps of Jesus and be more like Him, growing in godliness, love, and obedience, turning your back on the sins that once enslaved you. Let the Holy Spirit work in you as you desire to be closer to Him through studying the Word, prayer, and time spent in fellowship with other Christians.

O Lord, deliver me from every spirit of lust and clothe me with the garment of holiness and purity in Jesus’ Name.
