More Than A Conqueror

Romans 8:37(KJV)

Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

From the Scriptures, we understand that conquering has its roots in God. This is why the above Scripture categorically states that He has made us more than conquerors, and therefore, there is no amount of pressure from the pit of hell that can take us away from the love of God. In other words, no matter the battles we face as children of God, even if the opponent is an acclaimed winner, we will always be more than winners. It means that all of God’s Power, Strength, Comfort, Creativity, and Help are available to us at all times to be champions. Conquerors are men who consistently win in battles through the backing of God and, as such, know no defeat. We are never made to live weak, powerless, or barely getting by. The Will of God for us is to be more than conquerors. Through His Spirit, He wants to give us the strength and ability to succeed and lead us through each battle we face. 

Being more than conquerors implies confronting life’s challenges with unwavering assurance that we have the Almighty God. There is an anointing that makes battles obtainable with ease and power that makes conquerors out of men. As children of God, undergoing trials and tribulations is a part of our faith. It is the nature of the devil to cause havoc. He hates tranquility. But we approach the darkest valleys with confidence, knowing that nothing can happen to us that is not permitted by our Loving Father, and we also know that whatever He permits is for our good. As long as the Hand of the Lord is upon us, we are more than conquerors and can finish strong by enforcing our victory by the word of our testimony. It is written in Romans 10:10, “For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” The Hebrew boys activated their deliverance from the fiery furnace by their confessions. They said in Daniel 3:17, “If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king.” And true to the words of their declaration, God delivered them. Just as He did for them, He will also deliver us and make us more than conquerors.

Beloved, God will not allow what will collapse you to confront you; He won’t allow what will finish you to face you, for every temptation He makes a way of escape. For you, victory is assured because the triumph of Jesus guarantees your victory. Are you going through tough times? Does it seem the promises of God are not working out for you? Cheer up and be strong because you are a conqueror. Hold on to this word and remain unmovable from the straight and narrow way that leads to life. Don’t let the devil blindfold you any longer. Step over the line from trying to believe to actually knowing by dwelling on the Word of God because nothing disarms darkness like light. Read the Word and think about it. Practice seeing yourself through the eyes of the Word until the reality of your royalty in Christ rises in you! When your Word comes, your battles, reproach, shame, and disgrace end. People may say all kinds of evil against you, hate you, or decide not to involve you in anything beneficial just to put you off. Do not fret because you will have the last laugh. Today, stand tall with the confidence that God is on your side, and because He loves you, you are more than a conqueror.

O Lord, thank You for making me more than a conqueror. Strengthen me never to bow to the pressure of life in Jesus’ Name.

