Job 19:25(KJV)
For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth:
Job made one of the most profound statements in the Bible. When he said my Redeemer lives, he was in a most distressing situation. Things were terrible indeed. He had lost all his wealth, property, children, and health. However, despite his ordeal, he still proclaimed that God was alive. Job was confident that God would fulfill plans and promises without fail. He had complete confidence that God’s word would come to fruition. Job demonstrated incredible strength and resilience during the most challenging time of his life. Despite facing unfair treatment, he remained steadfast in his faith and continued to pray for those around him. His unwavering spirit is truly inspiring. Job’s firm trust in God during his struggles was a source of inspiration for many future believers. Little did he know that his choices and faith would bring glory and honor to Jesus Christ in the heavenly battle. Despite the difficulties, however, the main point of Job’s declaration stands out clearly.
It is essential to establish a strong and unshakable faith in God by firmly trusting in the irrefutable truths contained in His Word. Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.” The actual test of our character is when we can repose our trust in God while going through difficult times. Genuine faith means doing what Job did: hanging on in the darkness to the evidence we remember seeing in the light. No matter how discouraged we may be at a given moment, we must be willing to reach out of the muck and the mire and hold on for dear life to the truth that God is God, whether we feel like it or not. Many people have abandoned God or have failed to acknowledge there is a God just because of the severe trials of faith they are facing. Problems can never take God away. He is the on-time God, the same yesterday, today, and forever. He doesn’t cease to exist because He has not answered our prayers. Sometimes we suffer the consequences of others’ sins but don’t lose faith. There are times when there may be a heavenly battle over us, such as in this case with Job. Pressures of life will come, but the only way we will lose is by giving up. Sometimes, our faith may come quickly and bring us joy, but there will also be times when it requires unwavering determination. Even when our circumstances seem impossible, like Job, we must cling to our belief in the living Redeemer. We must trust in God’s past actions and hold onto the knowledge that He is still with us.
Beloved, I don’t know what your challenge is, but one thing I know is that your Redeemer lives and has the capacity to bring you out of your situation. When suffering and pain comes your way, you can rest in the fact that your Redeemer lives! When you are in a difficult situation and cannot find your way out, He knows what it will take to get you out of the problem. He is alive and well today, able to provide for every need you face. I challenge you to believe the report of God. And refuse to compare yourself with others because your destiny differs from theirs. Sometimes, God will take you through a more complex way than the other person. That doesn’t mean that He has abandoned you. Just make up your mind and do as Job did and put your hope in God, for our God is a Redeemer. Trust in the perfect character of God, for He is in the business of doing exploits.
O LORD, empower me to depend on You every step of the way in Jesus’ Name.