No Matter What, Be Thankful

Habakkuk 3:17-19(KJV)

Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The Lord God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places.

Praise and thanksgiving are the ultimate spiritual weapons available to the redeemed in any battle of life. It simply means that when we praise and thank God in any situation or circumstance, He steps into our affairs and opens new chapters to our destinies. Praise and thanksgiving are the mystery behind our continuous and unending breakthroughs in life. Praise and thanksgiving open the door for supernatural strength. It helps us to run faster than chariots and to jump obstacles that come our way. Amid praise and thanksgiving, God turns His celebrants into celebrities and nonstarters into nobles. Psalm 9:2, “I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou most High.” When we invoke God’s Presence through praise, anyone or anything challenging us has challenged God, and they shall fall and perish. When we turn to His Presence through praise and thanksgiving, He intervenes in our favor, and our breakthroughs are guaranteed.

Habakkuk wrote our anchored Scripture when the Babylonians were preparing to invade Judah, where the remnant of God’s people remained. His ultimate conclusion was that no matter what comes, he will choose joy and trust God. Though the world seems to crumble, YET he will rejoice in the Lord. This passage reminds us that even when circumstances seem bleak, we can find strength and hope in the Lord. When we refuse to give God thanks and praise, we are ungrateful to Him. For the fact that we are still breathing, we owe God thanks! The Word of God says in Psalm 150:6, “Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” So, let the man worrying about his wife not being able to bear children praise and thank God for marriage. Let the one worrying about what to eat and drink thank and praise God that they even have an appetite and ability to eat. Let the ones worrying about being single praise God for being fit to marry. Let the ones worrying about what to wear thank God they have the body and legs to wear clothes and shoes. Let the one worrying about greencard or documentation of stay praise and thank God for the opportunity to even travel to a different country. Let the one sick or afflicted thank and praise God for the gift of life. If we are thoughtful, we will indeed be thankful and praiseful. We must fill our hearts and mouths with thanksgiving and praises to come out of that grave of battle, poverty, barrenness, stagnation, sickness, lack, and inadequacy. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Beloved, give thanks, and praise God in that unpleasant situation. Even if your world feels like it’s falling apart, you don’t choose what you face but can decide how you go through it. So, choose joy, knowing God is good, just, and merciful. Spend quality time on thanksgiving and praise. Avoid the temptation of murmuring and complaining. If God is all you need and have, you must stop complaining and always find reasons to praise and thank Him, even when you seem to have no reason to do so. As long as there is life, there is always hope. Therefore, it does not matter what your situation is; if the devil has not succeeded in killing you, then what you are trusting God for is still possible. As you praise and thank God, He will equip you with the strength you need to go where He is calling you to and keep you safe, and nothing of the enemy can harm you. As you engage in praise warfare as a lifestyle, I decree every obstacle on the way to your Promised Land destroyed and your miracles delivered in the Name of Jesus! Remember, irrespective of your situation or circumstance, there is always something to thank God for in your life.

O LORD, thank You for Your Word. I ask for the heart to be praiseful and thankful for all things in Jesus’ Name.
