Leviticus 25:18-19(KJV)
Wherefore ye shall do my statutes, and keep my judgments, and do them; and ye shall dwell in the land in safety. And the land shall yield her fruit, and ye shall eat your fill, and dwell therein in safety.
In our walk with God, total obedience is the key to success. One distinguishing characteristic of those who are prominent in the things of God is prompt obedience. God cherishes those who obey His commandments, and when we walk in His Way, all becomes well. God’s statutes abound with unique, specific promises for those who step out in obedience. To obey God is to submit to God’s written and spoken word. It is a great way to show our love and respect for Him. Obedience to God’s statutes is key to the foundation of our faith. It requires sincerity, genuineness, and comes from a heart of love. It is wholehearted and not mere eye service. Obedience requires humility and boldness. It takes audacity for children of God to obey Him in this world of perversion and outright corruption. Thus, it takes moral courage to live holy and move against the tide of sin. When we carry out His statutes, we enjoy freedom from the negative consequences of ungodliness in this life and throughout eternity. We can reach our full potential because we have developed diligence and character that we otherwise wouldn’t have had. It covers the difference between where we are now and where we are meant to be.
From our anchor Scripture, it is clear that our obedience to God provokes the blessing of God in our lives. It attracts both kingdom security and prosperity. In other words, God’s commandments ensure our safety, happiness, and growth. Therefore, the call to keep God’s commandments and do them is for our benefit; His secret key to safety is with them that are obedient to His Word. In other words, living in obedience guarantees our safety! For example, Noah was safe in the land because he obeyed when God told him to the ark. David was blessed and even called a man after God’s own heart because of his obedience. Joseph’s obedience led to the preservation of Jesus’ life as a baby. Isaiah 1:19 says, “If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land.” Obedience is the foundation for the blessing and a key to abundance. Peter told Jesus Christ, Master, we have toiled all night and have taken nothing; nevertheless, at Your word, I will let down the net(Luke 5:5). By obedience, their toil turned into abundance.
Beloved, follow God’s decrees and be careful to obey His laws, and you will live safely in the land. Don’t live in disobedience and get insecure, but live in fear of God and do His commandments, and you will be safe. As long as you remain a Christian and obey God’s commandments, you will live safely. God wants you to have the best in life and give you the good of the land. His plans for you are for your profit and your benefit! His requirements are not to restrict you but to protect and bless you. The people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits. Your strength is not in the arm of flesh but in the Mighty Arm of God, who is Strong to deliver and Mighty to save. It is one thing to know God and do what He says but when you know God and live in a covenant relationship with Him, you will rise with a newfound faith and be secured in the land. Make a decision today and follow God’s decrees and obey His laws and He will protect and defend you. Don’t settle for the norms of this world, but be willing and obedient to do what He says, and you will enjoy His blessings, for He cares for you. Until your ear can hear what God is saying and doing, your hand cannot handle what He is giving. It is the instruction that averts destruction. Remember, your obedience to His statutes produces results and not the knowing of instructions.
O Lord, help me never to be a victim of disobedience. I receive the grace to willingly obey You in all things and do Your will in Jesus’ Name.