Our Saving Strength

Psalm 28:8(KJV)

The Lord is their strength, and he is the saving strength of his anointed.

It is an undeniable reality that we inhabit an increasingly malevolent and perilous world. Nevertheless, there is cause for great optimism, for no matter how menacing the world and its inhabitants become, God’s protection is assured for His chosen ones. His anointing sets us apart from the world, granting us access to His Presence, enabling us to experience His formidable power, and facilitating the fulfillment of His divine purposes. This anointing equips us to confront challenges with unwavering confidence and assures us that we are never alone in our endeavors. It is evident from the above Scripture that we serve a God eternally committed to preserving His anointed and with whom nothing is impossible. Irrespective of what we are faced with, God’s Word is everlasting, and it must come to pass. We can understand and have pleasure in the righteousness and glorious works of our covenant-keeping God, who provides, protects, preserves, and adequately plans for the wellbeing of His anointed. We are preserved by the God who is ever Powerful and Faithful. Psalm 2:2-4 says, “The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.” The Lord laughs at any plot against His anointed; no harm can destroy His anointed.

The anointing of God empowers us to conquer any opposition. According to Scripture, God vigorously defends and fights for His anointed. God’s anointing provides a form of protection and immunity bestowed by God upon His anointed. Those who oppose His anointed servants are, in essence, challenging God Himself. 1 Samuel 26:9 says, “…….. for who can put out his hand against the LORD’s anointed and be guiltless?” In the spirit realm, certain people are God’s anointed, and these are untouchable. They have the consuming fire of God around them, making them too hot to be touched – even by the devil. The electric current cannot be seen as it flows through a cable but is deadly when touched, so it is with the anointing. Its protective nature destroys the enemies of the anointed and all demonic yokes. For example, when King Herod decided to kill the Lord’s disciples to please the Jews. An angel of the Lord smote him, died, and was instantly eaten up by worms (Acts 12:1-3, 22-24).

Beloved, no matter how serious or terrible your situation may seem, rest assured that God is deeply invested in your welfare. He has neither forgotten nor forsaken you. It doesn’t matter the magnitude of the problems confronting you; God is never late. He will stand by you during all the attacks of the enemies. Only the Almighty God can save you. He protects not once or twice but all the time. He is the only deliverer from the forces of darkness, the One by whose Name every knee must bow. For this purpose, whatever may be consuming others is not permitted to destroy you. No matter how defenseless you are, the great Defender will fight all your battles in Jesus’ Name. Are you defenseless, afflicted, troubled, anxious, worried, or helpless? Today, don’t bear any needless pain, take all to the Lord in prayer, for in His Arms He’ll save and shield you. In Him, you will find solace there! You will surely testify; your expectations will never be cut short because He always saves His Anointed with His Right Hand. Remember, for those who trust in the Lord, He will provide the strength to overcome and protect you from the evil one and his followers. 

O LORD, thank You for being my hiding place and my refuge. Deliver me from those who rise against me in Jesus’ Name.
