Psalm 149:3(KJV)
Let them praise his name in the dance: Let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.
Psalm 149 celebrates the triumph of all who put their trust in God’s redemptive love. The Psalmist urges all of God’s people to praise the Lord regardless of their circumstances. There are many portions of the Bible that admonish the children of God to praise the Lord in singing(Ps. 95:1), dancing(Ps. 149:3), clapping (Ps. 47:1), with the use of musical instruments(Ps. 150:1-6) and in the Holy Spirit(1 Cor. 14:15). Psalm 22:3 says, “But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.” It is vital to understand that praise is the only way to secure God’s Presence, and by praising, what gives way to Him gives way to us. It is one of the easiest ways to terminate the evil works of the devil and his agents in our lives. It is also one of the most powerful ways to change our lives. Praising God helps us to focus on His ability and opens the door to all possibilities. When we praise God, we remember and express our joy and thanks for all He has done, is doing, and will do for us. Praise will launch us into a life of endless miracles. Praise is what we do to secure victory in any battle. In other words, we transfer our battles to Him by praise. It is a weapon of privilege that God has put in our hands to make living glorious.
Praising God in dance often is used throughout the Old Testament as a means of worship and praise to God. Psalm 150:6 says, “Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.” Dancing shows gratitude to the Almighty God. Dancing is loaded with blessings, and when we dance unto the Lord, He turns our mourning into joy. We invite God to step into our circumstances by engaging Him in the dance and making a joyful noise to the Lord in praise. David understood this, and in 2 Samuel 6:14, he danced before the LORD with all his might. When Michal, the daughter of Saul, saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord, she despised him in her heart and became barren unto the day of her death. When we engage in dancing before God, He becomes our dangerous defense. When God takes over our battle, His fearful acts manifest, His Name is glorified, and we have sweatless triumph. David, known for his praise, never lost any battle, suffered any injury, and lacked direction; he was a permanent praiser. On the day God miraculously delivered Israel from Pharaoh and the Egyptian army, the people practically worshipped God with songs and dancing (Exodus 15). The Israelites always responded with shouts of joy accompanied with singing and dancing after each victory in the wilderness. If we do not want to keep struggling, we must hand our hostilities to God, and to do that, we need His Presence, and we can secure His Presence through the platform of praise. As we praise Him, He will beautify and glorify us with the ultimate deliverance.
Beloved, dancing before God and praising Him with your might guarantees divine favor and acceleration of your place of celebration. Break lose whenever there is genuine praise going on. The moment you begin to dance during your situation and circumstances, you are simply telling the whole world that you are not a victim. You are provoking God to action, and when He rises on your behalf, you become the talk of the town. You may be trusting God for a marital breakthrough, a job, a promotion, a financial breakthrough, and the list continues; secure God’s Presence, and then He will level out every barricade against the delivery of your desires. Until you become a baby in the hands of God, you can’t become an adult in His purpose for your life. Don’t be civilized when it comes to dancing before God because it can lead to your stagnation. Don’t be the one who only dances when the Lord gives you a testimony to share; dance even before the arrival of their miracles. Dance before Him not because every desire has manifested, but dance before Him in trust that He is faithful to fulfill His promises. Genuinely dance before Him, not out of compulsion, but out of love. Give Him the sacrifice of thanksgiving, which is the fruit of your lips, and as you do, get ready for God to pour out His blessings. Today, trust God because His Word is sure and true.
O Lord, thank You for stepping into my battle. As I praise You in a dance, face my adversaries and challenges in Jesus’ Name.