Pray Constantly!

Luke 21:34-36(MSG)
But be on your guard. Don’t let the sharp edge of your expectation get dulled by parties and drinking and shopping. Otherwise, that Day is going to take you by complete surprise, spring on you suddenly like a trap, for it’s going to come on everyone, everywhere, at once. So, whatever you do, don’t go to sleep at the switch. Pray constantly that you will have the strength and wits to make it through everything that’s coming and end up on your feet before the Son of Man.
Jesus Christ admonishes every believer not go to sleep but rather need to watch(in watching gather as much information) and pray constantly so that he/she will overcome all these horrors of life. However, one major characteristic of this generation is the plague of carelessness, especially with regard to spiritual matters. We live in a generation of ease where people give significant importance to the petty things and give less importance to the vital things of life. For example, people usually prepare diligently for new job, academic examinations in school, travelling, interview and the list goes on but never care to prepare for eternity with God. Many people prepare massively for wedding and spend a lot of money on it but they never prepare for the marriage that would last for a lifetime. That is why many weddings succeed but the marriages fail. Very pathetic! As children of God we need to set our priorities right.
One most important question we need to answer in this life is, what would we do if you have only 72, 48, or 24 hours to live? This is crucial because one day, everyone will have only 72, 48 or 24 hours to live. If you have only three days to live on Earth, would you go about lying or giving false statement against your friend, go after a man or woman to commit immorality with or go about committing any other sin? Would you embark on the pursuit of money, cheat others out of a business deal or steal from somebody? Would you be having an altercation with someone, or fill your heart with unforgiveness? I believe that if you had only 72 or 24 hours to live, knowing your days are numbered, the consciousness of Eternity would dawn on you, and you would begin to make amends in your relationship with God in order to make Heaven, not sleeping on unconfessed sins in your heart or not letting go of every form of bitterness and offence. Some of you would pray all night or preach to others and impact their lives positively. Most of you would do everything possible to make it right with God in preparation for Eternity in Heaven.
Beloved, whatever you would do if you had only less than a day to live, don’t wait, DO IT NOW. Do not wait for tomorrow because there were many who planned to serve God tomorrow but tomorrow never came for them. Do your best to avoid procrastination in all areas of your life. Always gather information and diligently communicate with your Maker. I will end with 1 Peter 4:7 and the Scripture says “But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.” Be watchful and prayerful so as not to miss Heaven because only those who are absolutely ready will make it.
O LORD, I ask for the grace to please You in all that I do, guide my steps in the path of righteousness in Jesus’ Name.