1 Thessalonians 5:17(KJV)
Pray without ceasing.
From our anchor Scripture, we are to pray always, without ceasing. Prayer without ceasing means consistency (Colossians 4:2) and persistence (Romans 12:12; Ephesians 6:18). Luke 18:1 says, “…….. that men ought always to pray, and not to faint.” Jesus admonishes us to remain steadfast and continue in the work of prayer. Continued and persistent prayer produces results and makes us winners. Just as we must keep running to win in a marathon, we keep praying to win. In the place of prayer, we can establish a deep intimacy and faith in God’s Ability to deliver. Ceaseless prayer is a spiritual connection that joyfully links us to Heaven rather than just a religious exercise. When our hearts are full of the presence of God, we tend to pray without ceasing; that is, we always want to commune with our Maker. Praying is always the key to avoiding being kept in the dark concerning fundamental issues of our lives.
It is important to note that prayer plays a vital role in the lives of Christians. It is a ladder we can climb to enter into God’s Presence and the means God has provided for Christians to satisfy all their needs. For this reason, God did not place any limitations on prayer. Prayer symbolizes trust and total dependence on God. Prayer brings believers into partnership with God for the establishment of the Will of God on earth(Ezekiel 22:30). Through our agreement with God in prayer, we develop an unwavering faith that is impenetrable to defeat. Prayer is the sure answer and the ultimate solution to all problems and challenges of life. In the place of prayer, we gain access to more profound revelations. No wonder the Bible in Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” The moment of prayer that prophesied John’s birth was truly awe-inspiring. God revealed His amazing plan and purpose for John’s life during that exact divine moment. At the place of prayer, Hannah’s barrenness came to an end. At the place of prayer, Jabez’s life changed; God enlarged his coast and blessed him. Daniel was a man of prayers, and his prayer life was the source of his strength in God. If we want God to reveal your tomorrow or change our story, PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS. It is written in Matthew 7:7-8, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.”
Beloved, pray naturally and constantly as you breathe, for prayer is the soul’s breath. The ear of God is always open. He is ever ready to listen to you. He encourages, urges, and directs you to pray constantly. Offer your prayers to Him and strive to maintain a regular habit of prayer in your relationship with Him. Rise in prayer and begin to pray your way into His Presence today! As you pray today, ask God to give you insight into your future. Calling to the Lord right now while He is available is crucial. Whatever is tampering with your joy comes to an end now through prayer! From the altar of prayer, God will supernaturally alter everything in your favor in the Name above all names. As you pray, be confident that no weapon wielded by your enemy can harm you. The Lion of the tribe of Judah is within you, working to protect you and bring shame to your enemies. Very soon, you shall hear the good news that will transform your life! This season, your prayer will work for you in Jesus’ Name!!! Remember to pray continually, for prayer equally provides details about future events.
O LORD, I ask for the grace to rekindle the fire of prayer in my life in Jesus’ Name.