Put Bitterness Away

Ephesians 4:31 (KJV)

Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:

Bitterness is the feeling or showing of anger, hurt, hostility, or bad feelings because of a bad experience or the sense of unjust treatment. According to our anchor Scripture, bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, slander, and malice are resentments fueling distorted and destructive accusations exclaimed with intense anger to hurt others. Bitterness causes deep trouble, hurts many in their spiritual lives, and disconnects people from the Presence of God and His best Blessings. It can also separate us from the flow of God’s Grace, leading to disgrace. Hebrews 12:15 says, “Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled.” It’s important to note that bitterness impacts our lives and can cause trouble by corrupting many others. If we don’t keep our bitterness in check, it can quickly spread to those around us and take root. That’s why focusing on God’s grace is essential, which can help us replace our hurt with healing. Numerous studies have shown that harboring bitterness can significantly impede one’s ability to reach one’s goals and fulfill their potential. When we allow any root of bitterness to spring up from our hearts, we become emotionally disturbed, and hatred may occupy our hearts. Our minds are blocked and choked with negative emotions when we think about people who have offended us.

Bitterness aborts destiny; it holds a person’s life down in the past. When bitterness takes hold, progress comes to a halt. In other words, we stop moving forward when we agree to bitterness. According to belief, bitterness can keep us distant from God on Earth and prevent our entrance into Heaven. Philippians 3:13 says, “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before.” Until we forget the things behind us, we can never access the things before us. Nobody can be fruitful in the future who has not forgotten the offenses of the past. Bitterness is known to hurt our lives and destinies far more than the offender because it invites satan to work in our lives. That is, bitterness engages in satanic activity. And the worst thing that can happen to anybody on earth is to walk with or work for satan. If we work together with the devil on earth because of bitterness, we will continue with him in his headquarters, hell. Many Christians have destroyed their salvation by allowing the root of bitterness in their lives. People we prayed for may turn against us. Others we may have assisted will try to resist, insult, bear false witness against us, and call us all names, but never be embittered into hell. We may have experienced all manner of provocations and annoyance from people, but let no one make us bitter.

Beloved, shun the lifestyle of bitterness. Don’t allow it to prevent you from fulfilling your destiny in Christ. Don’t fall into the devil’s trap; he will send people to make you bitter. If you must have access to God at the place of prayer, then deal entirely with the spirit of bitterness. Stop punishing yourself; forgive everyone who has offended you and forget the hurt. Doing so amounts to obedience, and it is a great reward. Make up your mind to forgive all offenses even in advance and love as God loves. Maybe you are bitter against someone; release forgiveness, and you will receive healing and peace on every side. Release the past, have nothing against your offenders, and watch how dramatic and fulfilling the outcome would be for your life. Today, let go of any grudges and forgive those who have hurt you. Free yourself from the burden of bitterness in your heart. Remember, the bigger your destiny, the more the devil and his agents will send bitterness.

O Lord, let every seed of bitterness in my life be consumed by fire. I ask for mercy in Jesus’ Precious Name.
