Rise Up Again

Proverbs 24:16 (KJV)

For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.

In the journey of life, challenges will surely come. They do not require our opinion or invitation. They will come without prior notice. Therefore, as children of God, we are to live ready for them. From our anchored Scripture, it is clear that the righteous man will fall and rise again. We are not guaranteed a perfect and easy life if we follow Jesus and live according to his ways. We live in a world that has fallen to corruption and sin, and the righteous can expect trial, especially at the hands of the unrighteous. However, there is an assurance that even if we fall, we will rise again. To fall seven times refers to the possibility of falling and experiencing what most people will call the final or ultimate fall. Yet, even at that, the Lord says that we should not give up hope. It means that as children of God, we will not fail. There is nothing the devil can do about it.

It is a fact that we are all susceptible to falling one way or the other. However, when we fall, we must not remain there but get up and move on. It is because of our great hope in Jesus and the Father’s plan for us. We know that we are shaped and refined by trial, so not only do we accept it, but we thank God for anything that helps us to grow in the likeness of Him. Micah 7:8 says, “Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.” The fact that we slipped and fell does not mean the enemy has won the battle over our lives. There is the possibility of our comeback, so get up and walk. When a child learns to walk, he stands up, takes a step or two, and falls. However, despite the fall, the child does not give up trying. The child will repeatedly make attempts at walking, and in the process of time, that child will not only walk but run, leap, and jump, all without falling to the ground like before. Just as a child learning to walk falls many times, we believers also fall as we walk with God. Psalm 37:23-24 says, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand.” In other words, there is nothing like a total failure for the children of God because it is the Lord who directs our steps. Moreover, He delights in every journey we take. Hallelujah!!!! There is no reason to fret or worry. Although we have fallen to adversity, we still serve the God of another chance. Failure is not fatal. God does not see falling as final, but the person who refuses to repent, get up, and try again can become stuck there for a long time.

Beloved, no matter how many times you fall or how your fall seems entirely and utterly irreversible, the setback is only temporary; you are destined to rise again. The plan and purpose of God for your life cannot be cut short by the devil. Because you are precious to Him, and He also loves you. So, do not be discouraged or give up when you fall. Put your trust in the Lord, for He will lift you in due time. From where you fell, you shall rise again in Jesus’ Name! Your rise shall be more powerful! Do not turn a mistake into your final destination. No matter where you are or the condition you are going through, there is a comeback. You are coming out. and your story will never end in shame or disgrace. The night season will not last forever. The clouds will still clear for you. You will come over the waters again by the scriptural provision that you will rise again as many as seven times. For you, as a child of God, there is no failure! You cannot end up on the losing side, no matter what overtakes you. It is always a win-win situation for you. It is not over until you win because you have been born into the Kingdom. You may not have seen everything happening, but get ready, for the scaffold is about to be removed, and you will stand out as a beautiful child of God. For all things are working together for your good. Get up and rejoice! Get into the celebration mood, keep singing, and thank God for giving you victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Today, focus on God rather than your circumstances, for He alone can pick you up after you have fallen and plant your feet on Him. Remember, if you walk uprightly, the Blessed Lord will deliver you from your afflictions and troubles.

O Lord, thank You for giving me another chance to rise again and help me to be more determined and focused in life in Jesus’ Name.
