Sacrifice Of Praise


Hebrews 13:15(KJV)

By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

From our anchored Scripture today, we are to continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God and give Him thanks with our tongue. Thankfulness is a foundation for praisefulness; until we are thankful, we can never be praiseful. Praise is an expression of reverence and adoration for God. Additionally, it is an expression of gratitude, appreciation, and respect for God. God created, redeemed, and blessed us to glorify and praise Him. Isaiah 43:21 says, “This people have I formed for myself; they shall shew forth my praise.” We are to praise Him for who He is, what He has done, and what He is doing and will do for us. The memory of His goodness, faithfulness, mercy, compassion, and kindness triggers praise. The essence of praising God and testifying of His goodness is for others to see His greatness, awesomeness, and the need to trust Him for needed miracles. Praising God from our hearts releases God’s power in the spiritual realm, for God lives in the praises of His people. 

It is painless to praise and thank God when everything is going well, but when we praise and glorify Him during a troubling situation, that is a sacrifice, and God notices it. Praising God is most strategic when it feels challenging. Praise becomes a sacrifice when there is no tangible physical reason to do so. Praising God beyond our emotions, transforms into an act of faith and becomes a powerful tool we possess. Nothing gets God’s attention more than when we praise Him in our times of trouble. When praise becomes more of a sacrifice, it becomes the most clever, successful, resultful, and impactful. When others are negative and bitter, ours should be songs of praise. Matthew 26:30 says, “And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives.” The night before Jesus went to the cross, He led His disciples to sing a hymn of praise regardless of what lay ahead. As Jesus sang with His disciples on that Passover night, He gave us the ultimate reason to lift our eyes above our immediate circumstances. He aided us in conveying our heartfelt appreciation for God’s steadfast affection and commitment. Choosing to praise Him in the middle of difficult circumstances and to thank Him for His faithfulness opens the door for His Presence to manifest and for His power to begin working on our behalf. In other words, waiting is the best time to offer sacrifices of praise. Psalm 71:14 says, “But I will hope continually, and will yet praise thee more and more.”

Beloved, great things happen when you offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually and bless Him for His greatness, kindness, love, mercies, and grace. Make praise and thanksgiving your lifestyle, not just an occasional activity, and as you praise, your faith will rise to new heights and open doors of victory and blessings for you. Praise God when you feel like it because it is a sign that there is a victory won in the realm of the Spirit that you may not be aware of. Praise God when you don’t feel like it because it is vital to handling unforeseen battles and situations you cannot control. It provokes God’s participation in the enemy’s confrontation and the anointing for multiplication and connection to supernatural supplies. In all life’s trouble, you should praise God and testify of His mercy, love and care with a humble heart. No matter what is happening around you, praise Him, declare His goodness, and see His restoration in every area of your life! Today, try to overcome every frustration, stagnation, or unpleasant situation by focusing on God and giving Him praise. Devote quality time to praise God, and the results will be astonishing. Remember, praising God starts your day right and helps you recall His unending goodness.

O Lord, You are always worthy of praise. I will always offer sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving to You alone, in Jesus’ Name.
