Seek First

Matthew 6:33(KJV)

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Our anchored Scripture emphasizes prioritizing God’s Kingdom and His righteousness as our primary goal in life, and in doing so, we can trust that God will manage all other aspects of our lives. One of the greatest needs of anyone is the need for true spirituality. When we put God first and seek Him first, we can’t help but be hungry for Him. As children of God, we are to seek first the Kingdom of God irrespective of whatever we want in life, and if we succeed in seeking the Kingdom of God first, God takes care of our needs. In other words, the reward of seeking God first is priceless. Thus, our passion for God determines our portion in life; where there is no passion, there can be no portion. Our love for God determines our portion with God, our prosperity from God, our progress in life, and our power with God. Those who are passionate about God are influential people.

It is evident that there is a connection between devotion to God and provision from God. Commitment to God and His kingdom is vital to greatness in life. Following the standards of God is what makes people stand out in life. A life dedicated to God can never be devoid of the additions of desirable things. The truth is, the closer we get to God, the more He gets closer to us, thereby putting our destinies under pressure to be released. Many seek wealth, position, material possessions, and other temporary things of the world, but they are never satisfied. Many believers can no longer fast again; they have turned fasting time into feasting time and replaced their prayer time with business time. Unfortunately, in today’s world, many Christians are more committed to money-making and career pursuits than they are to God who created them. They are doing all this and expect God to bless them beyond measure. What a shame! However, seeking first the Lord is a true treasure. We’ll unlock the door to any desirable realm when we prioritize our relationship with God above all else. It’s proven that those who put God first always come out on top. Today, some pastors who were initially genuine but got their passions for God corrupted because of mammon, the god of money. They no longer preach the old rugged holiness message; they are scared that membership will decrease and have resorted to “sugarcoat messages.” They have replaced righteousness with wealth accumulation, they have replaced Godliness with gold-fullness, and they have replaced integrity with prosperity. They are no longer concerned with the people’s souls but the pockets of the people. They are more interested in owning houses, cars, planes, designer clothing, and so on than getting souls saved. Repent for the wrath of God is coming.

Beloved, toying with your passion for God is toying with your destiny. Great potentials have become great disasters on the frequency of perverted passion. Great mantles have ended in great mockeries, all because people are seeking self, not God. Let God command your affection and attention. Be confident that nothing and no one can ever come between you and God, for the place you give to God in your life determines the place you find in time and eternity. It is impossible to give God the first place in your life and come last. Always seek God’s face and not just His hand. Want Him more than you want what He can do for you! Pray about everything at all times. Seek God’s perspective in all your situations. When you want to take a step, ask yourself what Jesus would do in this situation. I will end with Matthew 19:29 says, “And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.” It pays to serve the Lord but costs to serve the devil!

O Lord, I ask that You give me the grace to be dedicated to You and Your Kingdom assignment. I surrender all to You in Jesus’ Name.
