Seeking and Finding God

Jeremiah 29:12-13(KJV)

Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart.

From our anchored Scripture, God reveals Himself to those who search for Him with all their hearts. God requires absolute devotion from us to find Him. We must seek God with everything we have in order to find Him and get to know Him. God has plans for our good and not our harm. When we know God, we know His Ways, and we can only know Him Ways by earnestly seeking Him. Seeking the Lord means living intentionally with our dependence on Him by being open to His guidance, wisdom, and strength. Throughout the Bible, God promises that those who seek Him will find Him. In Deuteronomy 4:28–29, He explained to the Israelites that they would find Him when they turned from their sin and sought Him with all their hearts and souls. In the book of 2 Chronicles 15:2, King Asa gained encouragement from a similar promise.

The key to finding God is to put all our heart into it. That is, we value God and our relationship with Him more than anything else. In Matthew 13:45-46, Jesus said, “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls: Who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had, and bought it.” Certain things are worth going to great lengths to find. When we seek something, we usually leave everything else we do until we find what we seek. For example, when a man is after a woman he likes, he will go all out and do everything he knows to do his best to get that woman. Likewise, when we spend time with God, we sow seeds that will produce a good harvest. As we stay determined and persistent, we will reach the point where we will understand more of God’s Word as we enjoy our relationship with Him, hearing His Voice more and more. No matter how many principles and formulas we learn, we will only have lasting victory in our Christian life if we spend time in fellowship with the Lord. It has now become a norm for many believers to seek God halfheartedly or His Hand and Blessings, forgetting that Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” We can be grateful, knowing that when we seek Him and His righteousness, we will find Him, and all other things will be added to our lives.

Beloved, as man searches for gold, silver, and other hidden treasure with diligence, likewise search for God with eagerness and with a hearty desire to find Him for those who seek Him with all their heart find Him. Draw nigh with a true heart and call upon Him in truth, and He will grant you His Presence, favor you with fresh supplies of His Grace, and everything needful for your life. Seek Him through His Word, worship, and praise daily, and you will find Him. Today, make knowing Him your number one priority. Yield yourself to Him and let Him shape your character. Serve Him with all your might, and let your heart be perfect towards Him. As you seek God with all your heart, He will visit your situation with His Fire in the mighty Name of Jesus. Remember, seek Him in true surrender and adoration; over time, you will know Him deeper as He restores your fortunes.

O Lord, help me to seek You with all my heart in Jesus’ Name.
