Serve God With A Perfect Heart

1 Chronicles 28:9(KJV)

And thou, Solomon my son, know thou the God of thy father, and serve him with a perfect heart and with a willing mind: for the Lord searcheth all hearts, and understandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts: if thou seek him, he will be found of thee; but if thou forsake him, he will cast thee off forever.

In a pivotal event chronicled in the Old Testament, Solomon succeeded his ailing father, David, as king. David imparted timeless counsel to his son, instructing him to serve God with unwavering devotion wholeheartedly. David cautioned Solomon against abandoning God, emphasizing that failure would result in God rejecting him. David stressed the importance of maintaining genuine and undivided loyalty to God, highlighting that God is aware of our true intentions, and pretense holds no sway before Him. At the outset of his reign, Solomon’s rule was characterized by overwhelming peace and prosperity as God swiftly dealt with potential threats to his leadership. However, as time passed, Solomon lost the favor and support of God and found himself facing adversaries incited by the Lord, resulting in turmoil and conflict. Solomon’s decline stemmed from his failure to wholeheartedly follow the path of the Lord, in stark contrast to his father, David. Despite receiving explicit warnings from both God and David, he chose not to serve God with unreserved dedication and determination, ultimately leading to the loss of divine favor and tranquility. This serves as a compelling example of the repercussions of disregarding God’s guidance and defying His commands (1 Kings 3:14).

In the Kingdom of God, nothing is more significant than living a life that unwaveringly adheres to the principles outlined in the Scriptures. A mere profession without obedience is futile, emphasizing the importance of aligning one’s life with God’s principles. Solomon’s experience contradicts the erroneous doctrine of eternal security, which asserts that once a person is saved, they are saved forever or have a free pass to continue sinning. This is a valuable lesson for all individuals destined for heaven, emphasizing the importance of ongoing obedience to God for their spiritual advancement and elevation. Moses was renowned for his unwavering adherence to God’s Word and his humble guidance to the Israelites. However, he was prohibited from entering the Promised Land as a consequence of his act of disobedience. Specifically, he erred by striking the rock twice instead of speaking to it as instructed by God. It is not coherent to profess to be the elect of God in times of difficulty while simultaneously venerating false deities and succumbing to malevolent forces when experiencing prosperity. Nor is it coherent to proclaim to be children of God yet adopt a worldly lifestyle where God does not hold a preeminent position. Every aspect of serving God necessitates a willing heart, as God comprehends the impetus behind our actions and discerns our innermost thoughts.

Beloved, God is Merciful, and He is also God of Justice. No matter what promises you’ve received from Him if you forsake Him, He will also leave you. It’s as simple as that: let no one deceive you. God is not mocked for whatsoever a man sows that shall he also reap. When you sow holiness, there is a reward. Likewise, anyone who sows wickedness and is full of sin will reap destruction. Seeking God and His kingdom should be the priority of your life (Matthew 6:33). Don’t expect God to put you first when He is last in your life. Seek God wholeheartedly and with the simplicity of heart; seek Him continually and without delay. When you seek Him, you develop an intimate relationship with Him, not just get what you want when you want it. Don’t live as some who have taken God’s GRACE for granted and think grace will forever cover them. If you are living in sin, come to the well where Jesus offers living water and take a drink by asking Him to forgive you of your sins and invite Him into your heart and life as your Lord and Savior. Today, develop a single-minded devotion to God, dedicate yourself to Him, and commit to daily fellowship through Bible study and prayer.

O Lord, I receive the grace to serve You with all my heart and soul. Deliver me from every form of disobedience in Jesus’ Name.
