Some Trust In Chariots

Psalm 20:7 (KJV)

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God. 

Looking at today’s world, we can easily be misled and think all is lost. The turmoil and ungodliness of man is overwhelming. Many rely on many things, for instance, their friends, experience, connection, or intelligence. However, trusting in man or anything is the foundation for destruction because trusting in apparent human strength has always proved disastrous. In other words, the craving to be independent of God or trust in men is an invitation to disaster. It is like a car trying to be independent of its driver. David, even though he needed military equipment such as chariots and horses for battle, he recognizes that victory is not ultimately achieved through these means. Instead, he acknowledges that the ultimate source of victory lies in the Almighty God. David deeply understood that God is always there to help and guide us in the right direction. He reminds us to rely on God and call on His Name, leaning on and clinging to God for support and guidance. Wholly trusting in God for all our needs is a reliable source. Romans 10:13 says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

There are many places one can look to attempt to satisfy the deepest longings and cravings of the human heart. Humans will always be humans, with their weaknesses; therefore, putting our trust in them ends in disappointment and frustration. Our reaction to our trials reveals what is in our hearts. It shows whether we will live by faith, depend upon God, and keep His commands. In dealing with God, what matters is relying on His promises and not the challenges we face or man. The Lord wants us not to look towards men for anything but to look up towards heaven from whence comes our help. He is our very present help in trouble. Indeed, there is only one way to find salvation. The thought of this singular path is upsetting to many but a reality nonetheless. The Almighty always rules in the affairs of men to save His anointed with the saving strength of His Right Hand from every calamity. Psalm 17:7 says, “Shew thy marvellous lovingkindness, O thou that savest by thy right hand them which put their trust in thee from those that rise up against them.”  As God has preserved our lives throughout the years, continue to trust Him, and He will arise against any attack, force, enemy, or affliction in our lives. As the apple of God’s Eye, the defeat and destruction of those enemies is confirmed.

Beloved, call upon the Lord on the day of your trouble; He will answer and deliver you. The magnitude of the problems confronting you doesn’t matter; only remember His Name. Look to God; He will save you, for He is God and no other. The strategy of satan has not changed. If he wants to ruin your life, he will make you live independently of God. So, determine never to allow anything to separate you from God. Express your heart of love to God whenever you worship Him, and let God know that you are nothing without Him. Come to a point where you have nothing to depend on but God. As a child of God, whatever life gives you, even if it hurts, rather be strong and encourage yourself in the Lord. Act like all is well with you, for joy is coming. Strong walls shake, but they never collapse. Refuse to look at other sources of strength when faced with a challenge. Don’t depend on anyone in this world, for even your shadow leaves you when you are in the dark. Look to the LORD for instruction, direction, inspiration, and revelation because He knows what to do. Only have faith in God, for He only will never fail you! As long as you trust Him, you can never be stranded but have a bright and colorful future. Look up to Him, and you will never be disappointed. He is all you need to have all your needs met. Depending on God, you will be amazed at what He will do with you. If you have not given your life to Jesus Christ, do so today and repent, and your life will never be the same. Remember, God shows His Glory to the one who has surrendered everything to Him.

O Lord, thank You for Your Word. I look to You for all things in Jesus’ Name.
