Galatians 6:7(KJV)
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
The principle of sowing and reaping is a biblical concept found throughout the Word of God. Reaping and sowing are also about blessings and consequences. Our anchor Scripture makes us understand that God is not mocked; anything we sow on this planet, we will also reap. Apostle Paul reminds us that the only true God, the Lord of Heaven and earth, cannot be tricked or mocked. We cannot fool Him with our clever deceptions. He is aware of every single thought and intent of the heart. Reaping what we sow is a natural principle that also applies in the spiritual realm. It has both positive and negative applications. Proverbs 11:17 says, “The merciful man doeth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh.” In other words, when we show mercy to others, we are actually being good to ourselves, and when we are cruel, we are also being ruthless to ourselves.
Sowing and reaping can be applied to the Christian’s life on earth and in eternity. This Kingdom principle applies to everything about life. The harvest we get is a direct result of the seeds we plant. Essentially, what we reap in this life can be a consequence of what we sow. The seeds we sow will determine how far we go in life. Every act is a seed that is definitely going to produce a harvest. Many are all over the place, sowing daily seeds knowingly and unknowingly that will implicate them and their generation. Some are living in a hurry and sowing seeds that will produce a negative harvest. When we commit any sin, it is a seed we have sown, and we will reap its consequences. When we sow good seeds, there is a reward awaiting us. Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” We as servants must be faithful in all we do, knowing that the Lord will reward us for whatever good we do. Our God is not partial, but He is a perfect and just God who will not only see our works but will not forget what we have done in our service to Him and our continuous help to others. It is part of His Nature to call our service into remembrance for adequate compensation. It is not in the character of God to forget anything like we do, for He is the All-knowing God. Psalm 126:5-6 says, “They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.”
Beloved, life is a seed. Whatever you do on earth, good or bad, are seeds; you will reap its harvest in time and eternity, for seeds produce after their own kind. In other words, your actions of today deliver the impacts of tomorrow. You won’t reap mango when you sow pepper seeds, nor will you reap onions when you sow apple seeds. When you lie, bear false witness against your friend, cheat someone out of a business deal, commit adultery, push away someone’s husband or wife so that you can take over, or cause someone pain, you have sown a seed that will germinate for you in this time and eternity. So, always think about the effect and consequences of your actions before you embark on them. Don’t be busy sowing negative seeds daily. Refuse to be allowed to be used by the devil. Learn to sow good seeds; when you sow love, goodness, peace, and mercy, you will reap a good harvest. Anytime you put a smile, encourage someone or save a soul, you have sown a seed that will produce its kind. If you want kindness, show kindness to others. If you need help, help others. Do what you know to do and what you can do, and God will show up and do what you cannot do. Remember, God does not bend His Will, Principles, or Laws because of your feeble attempt to justify your actions; you will still be held accountable.
O Lord, guide my thoughts and help me sow good seeds in Jesus’ Name.