Strive To Be Good

Ephesians 5:9(KJV)

(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)

Goodness is virtue and holiness in action. It is a gift (James 1:17) that borders on morality and a selfless act driven by the desire to do good. Being good requires action- knowing the right thing to do and then doing it selflessly. God is Good (Psalm 100:5), and as we avail ourselves of the precious Holy Spirit, He reveals the goodness of God to us and gradually builds this character trait in us. Goodness is not selective but demonstrative, propelled by an unselfish desire to be considerate, kind, and caring. The Bible says we should do good to those who hate us (Matthew 5:44). As believers, it is our duty to extend goodness to everyone without exception. We should not discriminate based on who they are, including those considered enemies. In fact, by doing good to those who oppose us, we can transform their perception of us. As the Bible suggests, it is akin to heaping hot coals on them, which can ultimately lead to positive change.

The current era is characterized by the proliferation of wickedness, and altruistic behaviors without ulterior motives are becoming increasingly rare. The presence of hatred, betrayals, corruption, suspicions, wickedness, backstabbing, and other negative elements makes engaging in selfless acts challenging. But this is where the Holy Spirit works on us to remove all the barriers that prevent us from showing forth the divine goodness of God in such an unwholesome environment. According to the Bible, Jesus performed miraculous acts of healing the sick, casting out demons, feeding the hungry, and raising the dead during his time on earth. Despite His good deeds, we repaid Him with betrayal, physical abuse, and crucifixion. However, Jesus still forgave and ultimately saved us through His selfless sacrifice. Indeed, He is a remarkable Savior. An accurate measure of one’s goodness is their willingness to extend a compassionate and caring hand to anyone, regardless of their situation or status. As goodness becomes a part of our lives, we’ll find that doing good comes naturally and brings us immense joy. We’ll start to crave opportunities to make positive differences in the lives of others. As Christians, we are called to bear each other’s burdens, offer gentle admonishment when someone errs, pray for our enemies or those who hate us or prosecute us (as mentioned in Matt. 5:44), and feed the poor, among other acts of kindness.

Beloved, you are called to emulate the divine qualities of our Father in heaven. In all aspects of your life, whether seen or unseen, you must strive to be like Him in your thoughts, words, deeds, and intentions. Let God be your role model, and let His goodness shine through you in everything you do and your interactions with others. It’s important to remember that doing good is a rewarding experience. However, it can be challenging to continue doing good when encountering ungrateful or indifferent individuals. But as a believer, you must persevere and allow the Holy Spirit to cultivate the fruit of goodness within you. As Jesus said, loving only those who love you or doing good only to those who do good to us is not enough. Strive to be a shining example of goodness to others so they may see and glorify your Father in Heaven. Remember, as God is good, you must also be good in all your ways. Wishing you a blessed week ahead!

O LORD, help me always do good to all in Jesus’ Name!
