Take A Courageous Step

2 Kings 7:5 (KJV)

And they rose up in the twilight, to go unto the camp of the Syrians: and when they were come to the uttermost part of the camp of Syria, behold, there was no man there.

We understand from the Scriptures that as children of God, we are not permitted to give up in any situation. Therefore, understand that having a successful or great future is not a product of chance but a task that has to be consciously tackled. According to the book of 2 Kings, chapter 7, Samaria had a very severe famine. However, at the gate of Samaria were four lepers who decided to rise and do something about their challenge. These men had been banished to live outside the city gates to fend for themselves. But they refused to give up on themselves. They believed something good might happen to them as they went to the enemy’s camp. As they stood tall and took a courageous step, unbeknownst to them, God had instilled fear in the enemy with the sounds of an approaching army. The enemy assumed that the Jews had forged an alliance with either the Hittites or the Egyptians and that a formidable army was on its way to attack them. They fled in such haste that they abandoned food, clothing, livestock, silver, and other valuable items. God chose these four humble outcasts to bear witness to His mercy and grace.

God’s miraculous deliverance of the Jews demonstrates His sovereignty and control over everything all the time. Life is temporal and a journey. As for every journey, there is always a starting point and a destination. In between the starting point and the destination, there are lots of circumstances that commonly challenge us. It is easy to become consumed by our situations in life. To see our situations as a dead end will make it difficult for us to appreciate and see the goodness of God. We are to cast down every imagination of defeat and anything that will make us give up. Apostle Paul persevered despite persecution and affliction. He viewed life with realism, recognizing that as followers of Christ, we will suffer all manner of afflictions from the pit of hell, but we have to place our faith in God and the encouragement of the Scriptures. Countless winners have achieved success by embracing the mindset of never giving up. On the other hand, many have missed the chance to attain success simply because they gave up too soon. It is written in Ecclesiastes 9:4, “For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion.” As long as there is life, there is hope!

Beloved, refuse to give in or give up because victory is inevitable for you. You might be sick, homeless, jobless, childless, single, afflicted, beggarly, undocumented, frustrated, never give up or give in. Don’t lose hope for any reason, but look up to God, and He will restore you from all you have lost in this life journey. When the devil wants to overwhelm you with things yet to be answered in your life, remind yourself of the many things God has done and be confident that He will fulfill His promises concerning your life, for He is not a man to lie. Cast down every thought and imagination of poverty, frustration, discouragement, and hopelessness in every area of your life. Keep believing, and don’t write yourself off; a living dog is better than a dead lion. Never give up on your dream! It took Abraham many years, but he got there. Jesus Christ is the Hope of Glory, the Hope of the hopeless; only in Him can your lost hope be restored and renewed. You might not be where you desire to be, but as long as you are alive, get ready for a miracle in this season. Today, allow the Word of God to strengthen you and give you hope, for our God is both a promise-making and promise-keeping God and will reward you as you finish the race.

O Lord, give me strength of character and perseverance. Help me to take a courageous step when things get tough in Jesus’ Name.
