Teach Me To Number My Days

Psalm 90:12(KJV) 

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Throughout the Bible, we discover that our God is a God of times and seasons. He is the Creator and the Maker of all things, and time belongs to Him. God works and brings His promises to pass according to the times of life, and He has given each of us time to use as we choose. How we utilize our time determines how far we will go in life. In this regard, time is life, and if we master the use of time, we are well along the road toward perfect life. In other words, the value of time determines our worth in life. So, to accomplish our goals, it is vital to get control of time. That is why Moses prayed that God should teach us to number our days on earth so that we may wisely make the best use of every opportunity we have on earth. 

One major secret of great people in life is the effective use of time. That makes time an essential and cherished asset of life. Time is also irreversible and irreplaceable. Time can only be wasted or spent; it can never be stored, saved, or preserved. So, where we spend most of our time determines what or where we will get most of our results in life. When we spend our time on the unprofitable, we get zero results in life. Amidst all the things in life, it is vital to know that the easiest thing to lose on earth is time. The easiest thing to waste on earth is a lifetime. The truth is, the finish line draws closer to us every day that passes. Without any contradiction, seconds gradually become minutes, minutes become hours, and hours run into days. Days become weeks; weeks become months, months become years, and years become a lifetime. Job 14:1-2 says, “Man that is born of a woman is of few days and full of trouble. He cometh forth like a flower, and is cut down: he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not.” The transience of life helps us maximize our time and make us live wisely, knowing that we do not have eternity on earth. It makes us understand that our days on earth are numbered. That is, we have a running stopwatch set against all our activities here on earth. Therefore be wise to pay attention to Hebrews 13:14: “For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come.”  

Beloved, decide not to waste your time. Let every second of your life be invested into profitable living, making the most of every chance you get, for the time is desperate. And avoid the spell of time wastage by ensuring that there is always a vision in front of you. You have only one life to live, so how you use it determines how far you will go. Whether you like it or not, tomorrow will surely come. You cannot tell time to wait for you, and it will take you into tomorrow even when it is obvious you have not finished your work for today. So, if you live your life carelessly, you will pay for it. Spend your time studying the Word of God and winning souls for the Kingdom of God. Learn to number your days and add value to your life by serving the Lord in spirit and truth. The conclusion of the whole matter is to fear God and obey His commandments. Avoid procrastination, idleness, and aimless socialization. Don’t turn to sleep when the opportunity comes. Never think that the hour of opportunity will always be sitting around for you. Never let anyone waste your time in this life. Plan your time and maximize your days and let no day pass without any remarkable accomplishment that you can pinpoint. Write down your plan for the day. Do not just stumble through the day, not knowing what to do. Receive now the grace to be a time investor in the Name of Jesus! Remember, time management is not about clock-watching. It is about making the most of the time you have.

O LORD, help me not waste my time and life, give me the understanding of the times to fulfill life and destiny in Jesus’ Name.
