The Battle Is God’s

2 Chronicles 20:15 (KJV)

And he said, Hearken ye, all Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem, and thou king Jehoshaphat, Thus saith the LORD unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God’s.

The victory documented in 2 Chronicles 20:15-24 under King Jehoshaphat stands as a powerful testament to effective leadership in the face of overwhelming challenges. Confronted with a formidable coalition of enemies, Jehoshaphat decisively chose to forgo traditional military strategies—such as arming soldiers or preparing tactical maneuvers—in favor of a direct appeal to God. He turned to prayer and called for a national fast, demonstrating his unwavering belief in the importance of divine intervention during crises. Recognizing that the Lord serves as an unassailable stronghold, Jehoshaphat invoked His powerful Name as his ultimate defense. He grasped the profound truth that warfare extends beyond the physical realm; it is fundamentally rooted in spiritual principles. Jehoshaphat activated a potent form of spiritual warfare that eclipses conventional tactics by aligning himself with this understanding. God’s response was both immediate and definitive: “Do not be afraid, for the battle is not yours, but Mine.” This assurance marked a decisive turning point, highlighting the reality that Divine authority eclipses human capability. As a result, the people of Judah were spared the burdens of combat, with God directly overseeing their triumph. This victory exemplifies the unmatched power of faith and the effectiveness of Divine intervention in overcoming insurmountable obstacles. Knowing the weapons of our warfare and not knowing how to strategize and deploy them is worthless. The wise knows that one of the secrets of winning battles is involving a stronger ally to help fight the strong enemy.

Battles are part and parcel of human life, but whether we win or lose depends on us and our choices. It is clear that no matter what we may be facing, God has a plan, and His plan for us is to be victorious even when our problems feel overwhelming. When we confidently trust Him to intervene on our behalf, apart from the fact that victory is sure, the way and manner in which the victory is secured produces wonders. Moses said to the troubled Israelite in Exodus 14:14, “The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.” The Bible makes us understand that the anointing became strongest on Samson when the Philistines shouted the loudest on him (Judges 15:14-17). God is strongest when the battle is toughest. In times of trials and troubles, learn not to trust in our own strength or allow fear to freeze our faith. Instead, we should put our faith in God and turn to Him in prayers. As His children, He would never abandon us to face the struggles alone nor allow the enemy to triumph over us. In the face of formidable challenges, we can rely on divine intervention, as the Spirit of the Lord will establish a standard against adversarial forces. It’s crucial to acknowledge our reliance on God to address our challenges and resolve conflict, as our own capacities are insufficient.

Beloved, regardless of the challenges you are currently facing, if you can surrender control and allow God to intervene, you will find that the difficulties will ultimately be resolved permanently. Transfer that challenge to God in prayer and praise and watch Him take over. Today, He will step into that battle that is taking your joy away. You don’t know what God can do until you acknowledge that you don’t know what next to do and where next to turn. Your faith, demonstrated by the combination of rest (calmness) and action, is all it takes for God to move against the devil and his agents. He is your present help in trouble, and no devil is strong enough to stand in the way of God for your victory. Circumstances may change, but God’s covenant with you will never change, so trust Him. He is your High Tower and Refuge in the uncertainties of life. There is no Helper like Jesus, and no one deserts in a time of need like satan. May the Present Help of God be there for you always and give you victory in all areas of your life in Jesus’ Name. Remember, the battle belongs to the Lord.

O Lord, fight my battles for me and never let me be a victim of any battle of life in Jesus’ Name.
