The Charge

1 Kings 2:3(KJV)
And keep the charge of the Lord thy God, to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and his testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, that thou mayest prosper in all that thou doest, and whithersoever thou turnest thyself:
It is God’s delight to see His children seek after Him with the whole of their hearts. In one of the most significant transitions recorded in the Old Testament, David admonished Solomon to guard what is owed to the Lord, walking in God’s Ways and observing His Laws, Commands, Judgments, and Testimonies, just as it is written in the Instruction from Moses. In this way he will succeed in whatever he will do and wherever he will go. When we surrender our lives to God, it is important for us to obey what He tells us in His Word. As the disciples of Jesus Christ, we know what Jesus told us in relation to God’s commands. He said in Matthew 22:37–40, “‘You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
As children of God, we should diligently ask God to put a firm determination within our heart to remain true to Him and His Word, regardless of the consequences. The fact that everyone is doing something does not make it right. If we want to walk in God’s ways, to keep His statutes, His commandments, His judgments, and His testimonies, then love is the way to fulfill all these. We can love God and man unconditionally because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit. As we depend on the Holy Spirit, to guide us on daily basis, we will love God and man. Whatever we want from our Heavenly Father is located in His Word. The Scripture says, if ye shall hearken diligently to the Voice of the Lord thy God, all these blessings will come on thee and overtake you (Deuteronomy 28:1-2). So, if you will open the Bible, read it and do what it says, you will find all the Blessing of God that you desire in your life. Joshua 1:8 also says “And don’t for a minute let this Book of The Revelation be out of mind. Ponder and meditate on it day and night, making sure you practice everything written in it. Then you’ll get where you’re going; then you’ll succeed.”
Beloved, make righteousness your weapon, for Heaven will defend and fight for every man and woman, family, church and nation that has a right standing with God. Without knowing and doing the Word, you cannot prosper and have good success the way God desires for you. Therefore, pay attention to what God is saying to you through His Word. Incline your ears to His Word and let them not depart from your eyes as you keep them in your hearts. For they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh. The God we serve is the greatest giver of rewards, therefore I encourage you to serve Him with all your body, heart and soul you will not regret it. Today, give God your heart completely and make Him the Centre of your life.
O LORD, teach me to walk and keep Your Ways in Jesus’ Name.