The Counsel of Balaam

Numbers 31:16 (KJV)

Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the Lord in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the Lord.

In the Book of Numbers, chapter 22, the story of King Balak hiring the prophet Balaam to curse the Children of Israel is recounted. Fearful of the approaching Israelites, Balak sent for Balaam and offered him payment (Numbers 22:7) to carry out the task. Despite being a prophet from Mesopotamia with God-given talents, Balaam was willing to misuse them for personal gain. He attempted to sell his services to Balak, even though he knew the king was an enemy of God. When that failed, Balaam advised Balak on a more effective strategy to weaken Israel: seduction. By using Moabite and Midianite women to tempt the Israelites into sexual relationships and pagan rituals, the Israelites brought upon themselves God’s judgment. Balaam’s actions reveal a love for ill-gotten gain, specifically, payment for his prophetic abilities. The doctrine of Balaam is an approach that suggests individuals can work in harmony with the world while also serving God. It advocates for compromise and encourages Christians to overlook their responsibility to maintain a distinct and holy identity. By promoting this doctrine, believers become indistinguishable from non-believers. The doctrine of Balaam boldly advocates that indulging in minor sins is perfectly fine, especially if it leads to some form of monetary or personal benefit. It perceives piety as a vehicle to achieve gains rather than a fundamental way of existence.

The doctrine of Balaam is a belief that Christians including pastors should compromise their convictions for personal gain, popularity, sexual gratification, or monetary benefits. This attitude trivializes sin and disregards the importance of upholding truth, righteousness, and goodness. As Christians, it is our duty to remain steadfast in our values, regardless of the opinions of others. According to 2 Peter 2:15, “Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness.” Balaam’s course of action entails a decision to propagate falsities for financial gain. Jude 1:11 says, “Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.” Balaam’s mistake was his eagerness to embrace pagan beliefs for personal gain. Many individuals twist the mercy of our Lord into an excuse for immoral behavior. False teachers within the church often seek to exploit Christian freedom as a means of promoting promiscuity. In Galatians 5:13, Paul says, “For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.” However, the deceitful teachers engage in exploiting their freedom to gratify their desires for wealth, admiration, and sensual pleasure. They adhere to the teachings of Balaam, willing to sacrifice their values for economic gain, facilitating or partaking in sinful conduct.  

Beloved, freely minister to the people of God without any payment. Never be in a hurry to enrich yourself with the gifts deposited into your life by the Holy Spirit. Be the one who no longer takes but gives to the needs of others. Never compromise in any shape or form. If God can’t give, don’t get it. If God can’t take you there, don’t go there. If God can’t do it, let it remain undone. God can give, make, and do all, so wait on Him and not try to help God achieve it. God can’t be helped(2 Samuel 6:7). He is too big for man to help Him. Make up your mind to be a person of principle like Joseph. Avoid the company of those who will compromise on every situation and embrace the company of the moral. Standing up for what’s right is hard but worth it in the long run. Today, delight in total obedience to God’s commandments. Value God more than anything or anyone else. The more you get into God, the less fun the compromise is. So, determined to make changes in your life to experience true happiness, you must live by God’s Word rather than giving in to the desires of your flesh. Walking in His paths and following Jesus is the only way to find life and truth. You must refrain from mixing and matching your beliefs to see your version of the truth. It’s either God’s way or no way. Remember, happiness can only be found by living according to His plans.

O LORD, thank You for Your Word. Help me not to compromise in my walk with You in Jesus’ Name.
