The Day Of Vengeance

Deuteronomy 32:35 (KJV)

To me belongeth vengeance and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.

God says that vengeance is His, not ours. There are times in our lives when people mistreat us, and we have all wanted to take revenge at one point or another. Anytime evil is committed, the immediate human instinct is to take revenge, especially if we can do a corresponding injury to the offender. Society may tell us to do likewise. However, the lifestyle of God’s kingdom teaches that it is wrong to strike back or return evil for evil, whether by immediate retaliation or deferred action of vengeance. God will avenge and repay those who have wronged Him or His people. It is a warning that their actions will lead them to ruin, for their day of reckoning is fast approaching, indicating that divine judgment is both imminent and inevitable. Romans 12:19 says, “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.” Leaving matters in the hands of God and waiting for His judgment are acts of faith that demonstrate trust in God rather than human ability. Moses handed over his enemies into God’s Hands, and the earth swallowed them alive. As children of God, we must not consider taking revenge or repaying evil with evil; we must wait for the Lord in all situations. When God fights our enemies, even we who were hurt will begin to pity them. 

From the Scriptures, we discover that we serve a God of vengeance, and He is always eager to avenge His own elect. It is vital to recognize that no one can maximize life and destiny without the revelation of divine vengeance. While it is true that payback belongs to God, it is also our responsibility to invoke His vengeance on our enemies. Luke 18:7-8 says, “And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” The Scripture implies that God is eager to avenge His own elect, but until we ask, we are not entitled to it. Also, executing vengeance upon the wicked is our redemptive honor (Psalm 149:6-9). Therefore, anything and anyone standing in the way or mocking our destiny is entitled to the vengeance of God. So, retribution becomes a significant weapon for the fulfillment of prophecies. 1 Corinthians 16:9 says, “For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.” Until vengeance answers in the camp of our enemies, we may never be comforted. There is no guarantee for our breakthroughs and all-around comfort without vengeance. In other words, there is a need for the execution of vengeance before the children of God can be duly at rest in every aspect of our lives. It took the act of vengeance for the Israelites to experience freedom (Exodus 11:1). The enemies that have lifted themselves against us and all the voices fighting against our glorious destinies in 2024 shall be cut short in Jesus’ Name. 

Beloved, do not avenge on your own; in doing so, you take the problem out of God’s domain because God never desires you to take revenge. Recognize that it is not your place to punish those who have wronged you; if punishment is necessary, God will handle it. You need to remember that every sin committed against you is really against God. Moving beyond our hurt and anger is difficult, but God has a better plan. Take a far different approach to those who have done evil against you, forgive them, do good to them, and let God repay them for all the evil done against you. Do not fight for yourself; allow them to face the great Avenger. You cannot execute vengeance with a closed mouth because every closed mouth stands to be oppressed, afflicted, and tormented. God cannot confirm what you will not declare, so open your mouth and speak boldly. Fasting and prayer platform also plays a vital role in invoking vengeance. That is, fasting and prayer are the secret to invoking vengeance. Go for it at all cost, and the God of vengeance will answer speedily. Today, bring every offense before God and leave them at the Cross. By asking for God’s help, you can release them to the One who says Vengeance is Mine. God is working on your case! VICTORY IS COMING! The Lord will show up for you and take over all the battles of your life, and you can be sure that victory is yours. I decree that the Great Avenger will rise on your behalf today and render recompense to those who have oppressed you. God will judge your persecutors according to the work of their hands, and He will give them sorrow of heart until they are destroyed in Jesus’ Name.

O Lord, help me never to take any form of revenge, but trust You, knowing that You have it all under control in Jesus’ Name.
