The Fear Of God Prolongs Life

Proverbs 10:27(KJV)

The fear of the Lord prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened.

The fear of the Lord is having reverence, respect, the right attitude, and perspective toward God. The fear of the Lord is the master key in the life of all believers. As children of God, there are responsibilities to accept to experience Divine deliverance; one of these responsibilities is the fear of God. When we fear God, we will obey His statutes, keep His commandments and faithfully perform them, making us securely dwell in the land. The fear of the Lord also includes living a holy life, having a strong positive character, and spiritual strength. It is the wisdom to do the right thing, being faithful and diligent in the things of God. The fear of God is the passionate desire to ensure God is pleased with our lives. The fear of God reflects positively on our priority with God and makes us put God first place in our lives as Christians.

From our anchored Scripture, the fear of God gives those who are influenced by it a title to the promise of long life, and it preserves us from evil practices which tend to shorten life. It is also clear the fear of God brings satisfaction and makes us escape evil. It establishes the righteous in safety. When we fear God, He makes a hedge of protection around us. So, to live in reverence of God is to be safe in life, and it also determines our preservation. Our ability to fear God, obey Him and please Him will not only help us to fulfill our years, but it can also assist us to increase the number of our years on earth. God has a plan for all of us, but those who refuse to fear Him cannot connect to His plan and purpose. Living a sinful life disconnects us from God and can cut short the number of our days. The absence of the fear of God makes many hurt others without feeling, and the result of such a lifestyle is destruction. When the fear of God is absent, many commit evil with ease. Ecclesiastes 8:12-13 says, “Though a sinner do evil an hundred times, and his days be prolonged, yet surely I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, which fear before him: but it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow; because he feareth not before God.” In other words, we can shorten or lengthen our years on earth depending on how we live. Nabal died early and left his widow to David because he was wicked! Sin can bring about the supernatural judgment of God upon the sinner by any means at any time. 

Beloved, it can be tempting to believe that life would be better without the fear of God, but the truth is life gets better with anyone who fear God. As a Christian, you will not always have an immediate reward for following Jesus, nor will people receive instant judgment for walking away from not fearing God. But despite all you may endure, a relationship with God is worth far more than any temporary prosperity. Today, ensure to fear God because to fear Him is to be safe. Keep a healthy conscience to have guaranteed safety in God, for whatever pushes you against God is a setup for damnation. The lack of fear or reverence for God is one of the fastest ways to finish anyone. So, avoid people that take pleasure in talking against God. Confess and turn from any life of sin and never take God’s Mercy for granted. Be a faithful and devoted Christian, be a Christian in words, appearance and deed.

O Lord, give me the grace to live in Your fear, maintaining a permanent and consistent relationship with You in Jesus’ Name.
