The God Of All Grace

Peter 5:10(KJV)

But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.

We understand from Scriptures that our settlement as believers is crucial to God. Apostle Peter in writing our anchored Scripture expressed his confidence in God’s ability to keep His own dear redeemed ones. He encourages us to keep a firm grip on the faith because the suffering will not last forever. In other words, the suffering will not be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ will perfect, strengthen, establish and settle us. When we truly understand and trust that we will enjoy the Glory of God forever, we will be more enabled to endure bravely and persevere through our suffering. Our assurance of ultimate victory in the end is because the God who does all for us is the God of all Grace, the One from whom every good and perfect gift comes down (James 1:17). Suffering has a place but take comfort in knowing it comes with God’s amazing grace.

Endurance and perseverance are integral to our Christian walk. Believers who cannot endure suffering will be unable to do the will of God. It is comforting to know that despite all the challenges we will face in our Christian race, the crown of life awaits us if we persevere (Revelation 2:10). The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 4:17, “For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory…” When we are called upon to stand for the Lord Jesus in difficult times, or when it seems as if the devil is throwing everything he has against us, or feel too weak or fearful to go on, our God will supply us with all the help we need to be victorious. It makes no difference what our challenges are for He is with us, we will always win. He gives us strength where strength is needed, courage where courage is needed, or wisdom where wisdom is needed. As long as we are in Christ, we are settled and our future is secured. To be settled is to receive more than enough beyond our imagination. It is to be over-satisfied breaking every siege and coming out victoriously. We get that which we have been believing God for in a miraculous way and recover all that which our enemies have stolen from us.

Beloved, I do not know what kind of storm you are facing this day, but I do know that the Lord has a purpose in allowing that storm to rage in your life. You may be walking in darkness right now and wondering where is Jesus? You may be facing some of the darkest days of your life right now. Let me remind you that our God is forever with you. Sometimes you feel like you have lost the battle, but may I remind you that just as surely as the Lord controls your blessings, He is also in charge of your battles or storms. Remember, that Jesus is greater than that storm you may be facing. If you will be patient and wait for Him, He will show up right on time, because He is never late. The very thing you fear will be the vehicle He will use to show up in your life. Storms will come and storms will go but understand Jesus remains the same yesterday, today and forever. Stay determined to walk with Him no matter how high the waves are, and know He’s always with you no matter how strong the storm. His Peace is yours, so rest in His Love! Believe His Word! Today is your day of settlement! Famine in any area of your life shall disappear and you shall begin to live in abundance in Jesus’ Name. Always let the devil and his agents know that your suffering saved you. Yea! Tell them that the pain you endured pushed you closer to God. That heartbreak helped you, that sickness strengthened you. Tell them those lies and betrayal, lifted and blessed you. Remember, suffering is not final because it has to end for God to perfect and settle you.

O Lord, thank You for Your Word, I ask that you take charge of all the storms in my life in Jesus’ Name.
