The Lie-less God

Numbers 23:19(KJV)

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

It is evident from the Scriptures that we serve a God who does not lie, and His truthfulness and unchangeableness guarantee the blessings of His people. The unchanging nature of God, coupled with His ability to turn situations around for good, is a MIGHTY advantage for His children. God is steadfast, trustworthy, and unchanging, unlike men who can easily shift their opinions, break their promises, and deceive with their words. His thoughts are perfect, His ways are sure, and His Word is dependable. His counsel endures, His promises are certain, and His Truth lasts from generation to generation. There is no wavering or uncertainty with God. If He has spoken it, it will surely come to pass. He is the God who does not change, and His Word is worthy of all acceptance. The Lord says in Psalm 89:34, “I will not violate my covenant or alter the word that went forth from my lips.” The truth is that we serve a God who remains constant and unchanging. He is unchangeable because He is not subject to variability or alteration. He is exalted far above the possibility of change because He is independent and not limited by all the factors that cause change. Because God is a Self-existent Being, nothing outside Him can change Him.

We live in a generation where what most people say may appear true but is a lie. Regrettably, certain people resort to deceptive practices when conducting business or daily activities. Our global systems are, unfortunately, built upon a foundation of deceit, dishonesty, and falsehoods. However, it is important to know that we serve a God who is not a man to lie, and He promises to fulfill His Word concerning our lives. Unlike man, God is too truthful to lie, too reliable to reverse, too dependable to deceive, and too faithful to fail. God is different and separate from humans. He is transcendent beyond the realm of humanity with all of its tendencies toward falsehood, deceit, misfortune, and calamity. He is ever Faithful in all things. Our God is a lie-less God. Although times and people change, situations change, our God and His Word can never change. He is Ancient but not aged. He was not more powerful yesterday than He is today. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever! He remains constant and unchanging. Permanently settled is His Word! And no power anywhere can overrule what He has said concerning our lives. He says we are blessed; no devil is powerful enough to curse us (Numbers 22:12).

Beloved, God is immutable, and His Word conveys His incomparable integrity. God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promises is unparalleled. His Word always comes to fruition as He accompanies them with actions. His track record of delivering on every promise without fail makes Him a true man of His Word. Understanding God’s character is important because knowing His character will guide your attitude toward Him. And the way you behave toward God determines His behavior toward you. God doesn’t change what He said about you simply because the devil is showing up in your life. The devil can’t make God speak in agreement with him, for God will always overrule whatever the devil and his agent are doing. His verdict concerning you is that you are blessed. Whatever obstacles and hindrances the enemy throws in your pathway will not stand in the Name of Jesus. God is reminding you that even when the floods of life surround you, and you cannot find sleep at night, or even if problems have stolen your appetite for food, He is still God. Know that He is not a man and that He should lie. God’s promises are the guarantee of His blessings. His promises and blessings are irreversible. No one can stop you because what you carry in Christ is irrevocable. You are victorious in Christ Jesus! Your life shall be another Red Sea miracle in Jesus’ Name! Remember, God’s Word is always true and perfect in all His ways. What He says, He does.

O LORD, turn around every unpleasant situation in my life today and fulfill Your Word in my life in Jesus’ Name.
