The Lord By My Side

Psalm 118:7 (KJV)

The Lord is on my side as my helper; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me.

The key to triumph lies in the reliance on divine help, as expressed in our foundational Scripture. This verse serves as a powerful reminder of God’s unwavering love and support, offering a comforting assurance that His Presence is constant, providing help in the face of any challenge. True success and victory are unattainable without God, thus necessitating the rejection of self-reliance. Those who place their trust in God receive unparalleled help. It is crucial to acknowledge the eternality of God’s help, particularly during life’s trials and tribulations. God serves as a beacon of hope, guiding us through adversity and standing as an unwavering companion. In times of overwhelming burden, His Presence becomes a source of relief and strength. By relying on His help and the empowerment of His Spirit, we can overcome any trial or temptation. Psalm 46:1 encapsulates this truth: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble.” God stands as our reliable sanctuary during times of need, ever ready to provide help during periods of distress.

As children of God, we must fully embrace the truth that the Almighty God is always present to help in times of need. Psalm 37:40 says, “And the Lord shall help them, and deliver them: he shall deliver them from the wicked, and save them, because they trust in him.” Our God is our unwavering help in all situations. No one else can provide the kind of help that He can. Like the saints of old, we are called to build our confidence in the unshakable promises of God. Even in times of affliction, we can proclaim with the assurance of King David, “My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth” (Psalm 121:2). We can take comfort in God’s promise never to leave or forsake us. In the face of evil threats, we will not cower in fear but stand firm in confidence, knowing that God will never let us down. We boldly declare that the Lord is our Helper, a steadfast and trustworthy source of help in times of trouble. God’s promises are unwavering and trustworthy; He will fulfill every promise concerning our lives. If God is for us, who can be against us? As followers of goodness, who can harm us? Our confidence is anchored in the unbreakable promises of God. He will always stand as a reliable Father and Friend, shielding His children from all evil attacks. He is always on guard to see that we are not tempted beyond what we can bear. No matter how dark things may seem, He is our light in the storm.

Beloved, with the Lord by your side as your Helper, you will triumph over those who hate you. God is your very present Help in times of need. If the Almighty God cannot help you in your adversity, no man or the devil can help you, so look up to God for your help. Look absolutely to God as your Source and not on your wisdom, personal abilities, or connections. Refrain from looking to men for help; that help will always fail or come with challenging conditions. Do not worry; surrender your troubles to Him and watch Him move into action. Depend on God wholly for His Help in all areas of your life. God wants to show Himself strong on your behalf, and He is always the Very Present Help to get you out of whatever situation or trouble you find yourself in. As you TRUST Him to be your only Source of help, He will arise and help you. Surrender to Him today and let the peace that He gives take over. Make an effort to seek the help of God, and you will indeed find His Help in your situation. Remember, the Lord of Hosts is still with you; the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is your Refuge.

O Lord, I look to You alone for help. I am available for Your Help in Jesus’ Name.
