The Lord Delivers The Righteous

Psalm 34:19(KJV)

Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.

Afflictions are not peculiar to Christians, and they can affect every human being on earth. As a result of these afflictions, many have gotten involved in various things looking for solutions to their problems. Many end up at places they should not go to or do things they should not do, consequently finding themselves in a bigger mess. Although the righteous suffer many troubles or pains, we understand from the above Scripture that the Lord delivers them out of them all. Our afflictions are many, strange in nature, heavy in measure, yet God’s mercies are more numerous, His wisdom more wondrous, and His power more miraculous. Through the many afflictions, God will lead His redeemed scatheless and triumphant. Psalm 91: 9-11 says, “Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.” 

As Christians, we sometimes need these afflictions in our lives to shape us, for perseverance is the badge of the righteous. If God allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. There is no victory without a battle, and there is no battle without a cause. God sometimes allows us to go through these afflictions to glorify Himself in our lives. Afflictions are not to break us but to give us breakthroughs. When we overcome, our faith becomes solid, and our spiritual stamina waxes stronger. The athlete will have to go through many pains to be successful. After the pain comes the gain. We have to pass through the wilderness to get to Canaan. No matter how many laps we have circled our afflictions, keep walking in obedience, taking the steps of faith, for our day of shouting is coming. Those walls of pain, struggles, hardships, and sickness are coming down. Our hearts may be broken, but God has heard every prayer and has captured each tear. Weeping endures for the night, but joy comes in the morning. No matter our afflictions, God’s Word promises to deliver us. He keeps His promises from generation to generation, and He will not fail or neglect us.

Beloved, call upon the Lord on the day of your trouble; He will answer and deliver you. I do not know what you are going through or what affliction is tormenting your life today? But I have come to tell you that as long as you are a child of God, He will deliver you out of them all. The Lord is setting free His own and putting away all their infirmities. Do not be moved by the trials or pleasure of this world, for God’s version is better and superior to ours. He sees the bigger picture and the complete plan, holds our today and tomorrow in the palm of His hand, constantly guides us toward truth. So, there is an end to your afflictions. None of the trials will hurt because it is just for a moment. Your joy is coming. As you patiently await God to bring you out of that affliction, ensure you stay in the Word and fellowship with God. Live a holy life. Give your time, talent, and ability to advance the Gospel and grow the Kingdom agenda. Stand your ground on the promises of God, and they will come to pass in your life. During the affliction or pain, develop a strong faith because your faith will encourage you to look beyond that affliction. As you continue to stand in faith, trusting the Lord for that supernatural intervention, He will arise on your behalf and scatter the pain for your good. May God deliver you out of all your afflictions in Jesus’ Name. Remember the stories of Abraham, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, as of Mary and Martha. They all suffered various afflictions, but the Lord delivered them. Keep your faith to the end.

O LORD, I receive the grace to live a righteous life. Today, deliver me from every form of affliction in Jesus’ Name.
