The Lord Favors The Good Man

Proverbs 12:2(ESV)

A good man obtains favor from the LORD, but a man of evil devices he condemns.

The good man conforms to standards of what is right and just and to the approved codes of behavior. He is well-disciplined and very humble. The good man has absolute trust, reliance, and faith in God. He relies on God as the source of all things; he is a man through whom God can do all things. He is fully aware of God’s plan in the world, and he lives with a clear, God-given sense of direction toward fulfilling God’s purpose. The presence of God is always with him, and he is always careful to keep his character and integrity in line with the Word of God. To be good is to exist with a conscience void of offense towards God and man. In other words, whoever does good is an ally of God; he is in immediate cooperation with Him. From the above Scripture, the favor of God is with the good man. So, the favor of God is not on the basis of our personality, looks, or background but our relationship with Him. It is written in Psalm 5:12, “For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield.” It is crucial to understand that God’s favor is sincere, but we need to find and know Him. God is committed to favoring the good man. Thus, the quality of a man’s character determines the dimension of favor he enjoys.

Favor is an act of kindness beyond what is due or usual. Favor is one of the mystery virtues of the Kingdom, and it is available to the obedient and dedicated. The favor from the Lord will distinguish us among many and cause us to stand out in life. Enjoying this favor means experiencing pleasure from a show of preferential treatment beyond explanation by natural laws. As we seek God daily, know that we have the advantage of always enjoying His Supernatural Favor. Once we become children of God, opportunities in life become natural; favor becomes effortless. Many delights in wealth, status, material possessions, and other temporary things of the world, but they are never satisfied. However, when our satisfaction is in God, we become His favorite as He pours His Favor on us. Psalm 84:11 says, “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.” The Word of God promises that no good thing will He withhold and that includes His Favor from those who walk blamelessly before Him. God is more than willing to bless His true children with favor and honor; however, we must serve Him faithfully. The Lord will cause His Favor to produce answers in our lives that will wipe away our tears in the Name of Jesus.

Beloved, there are things you can do to be favored by God. Today, take a bold decision by moving closer to God, and He will move closer to you as He blesses you. Be that good man, and God will bless you and surround you with favor. Believe you are exempted from the adverse climate of the world and know that where everyone else experiences disfavor, you will be favored. Keep doing the right things to enjoy God’s promises and goodness. He will restore everything in your life that the enemy has stolen so you can live the abundant life He has promised you. Today, be wise and seek God faithfully and stop cutting corners. Live a life pleasing to the One who has the heart of those meant to favor you, and rejection will be far from you in Jesus’ Name. Remember, God condemns and is against evil men but favors the good man.

O LORD, thank You for Your Everlasting favor. I receive abundant life and favor in Jesus’ Name.
