The Lord Is With You

Judges 6:12 (KJV)

And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him, and said unto him, The Lord is with thee, thou mighty man of valour.

Our God, the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, excels at transforming the weak into powerful leaders. Scripture recounts that Gideon, initially paralyzed by fear and doubt, concealed himself from his enemies and fixated on his perceived inadequacies. However, this story is a powerful reminder that even our limitations can become the foundation for extraordinary strength when we embrace God’s purpose. Gideon’s journey exemplifies the transformative power of faith and conviction in the face of adversity. In other words, his focus was on his circumstances and his limitations, but God saw differently. God sees only the heart of men, and He knows what He has put inside. So, while Gideon saw himself as weak, unqualified, insecure, and powerless, God saw him as mighty, qualified, bold, and powerful. He saw Gideon and called him a strong man of valor. The angel said to Gideon, the LORD knows you go in this your might. Empowered by a divine calling and bolstered by heavenly signs, he decisively defeated the Midianites, ensuring that Israel experienced years of safety and security. In the end, God used him to liberate his people. As Gideon obeyed God against all odds, he ended in victory!

It’s easy for people to fixate on their perceived inadequacies in life. Many often feel ineffective and inferior in their pursuits, whether for God or themselves. However, it’s crucial to understand that God sees us differently—He views us as complete and fully equipped, lacking nothing in Him. Rather than seeing limitations, God recognizes our inherent potential and strength. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, “Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses so that the power of Christ can work through me.” God’s grace is sufficient, and His strength is made perfect in us. So, our existence as children of God is not what we think we don’t have or can’t do, nor what people think about us. Our actual ability and capacity are what God says that we have and can do. It is determined by what God says about us because He has configured us in Christ. When God speaks, He is not making insinuations or suggestions; He calls things into being from within Himself. God calls things as though they were (Rom.4:17). Whether they look like it or not, He has already made them so. Therefore, our duty as children of God is to believe God and speak and act in alignment with what He is saying about us.

Beloved, rejoice because the One that chose you specializes in choosing the weak, unfit, inadequate, deficient, unskilled, without courage and charisma, molding into rugged kingdom assets. You can do all things through Christ that strengthen you. As long as you are on the side of God, you are permitted to do the impossible. Your real might rests in what God is saying about you. Today, know that God can do a lot through you. It isn’t about how qualified you feel or how talented you are, but it’s really about making yourself available to the things of God. Obey God and trust Him beyond trusting your circumstances; He will make His Power available to you. That’s when He can work through you and bring about greatness in every area of your life. You are mighty with the Lord on your side, and He is always with you, never leaving or forsaking you. When you run into an impossible situation, a situation you don’t have the strength or the ability to handle, don’t give up and accept defeat. Instead, shout, “Hallelujah!” because the Promises of God will never fail. He’ll take those challenges and use them to strengthen you. When your human strength ends, God has promised His miraculous power will bring you through! It will enable you to be an overcomer despite your weakness! God’s divine strength for great exploits will stir up within you. The LORD is with you, mighty man/woman of valor. You shall conquer in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Remember, don’t allow your background to limit your potential.

O Lord, turn my fear into courage. Give me strength to become a mighty man of valor in Jesus’ Name.
