The Lord Of Hosts

Psalm 46:11 (KJV)

The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.

In the conclusion of this Psalm, the Psalmist confidently reiterates the phrase “the LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge” as a recurring refrain. It is a powerful reminder of God’s Presence and Protection. The Scripture underscores the Omnipresence of the LORD Almighty with us and highlights the continuous Presence of God, the supreme commander of celestial armies, alongside us. Regardless of the adversities we encounter, we are not solitary. His Presence provides solace and fortitude. This signifies that irrespective of the challenges we confront, we are not unaccompanied. God’s Presence offers comfort and serenity. In times of chaos and uncertainty, it reassures us that God is our refuge and strength. The concept of God’s Protection emphasizes God’s unwavering role as our ultimate protector, akin to an impenetrable fortress that guarantees safety and security. Just as a fortress shields and defends its inhabitants from all harm and danger, God unequivocally does the same for us. By recognizing Him as our Fortress, we can attain a state of tranquility in the face of life’s challenges, secure in the knowledge that He holds ultimate authority.

The good news is that God is a strong refuge and help during times of calamity, and by faith, His people run to Him for shelter. Refuge is a place of shelter, protection, or safety. The Lord is our stronghold, a fortress, well-fortified and safe from our enemies. He protects us from the terror by night and arrows that fly by day. We have victory when we trust in the God of all gods; He is the God that cannot be defeated or toppled by the storms of life. Our God is the Invincible Fortress and the Unfailing Refuge where the oppressed and tormented receive help and safety. Psalm 91:9-10 says, “Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, Even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, Neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.” When the Lord becomes our habitation, He promises to protect us from pestilence, terror, destruction, death, sickness, and disease. Even when circumstances shout the opposite, we can confidently declare that God is our refuge. So, turning to God in turbulent times produces confidence that stabilizes the stressed-out soul. Trust God despite any difficulties that may arise. Whether in natural disasters or national crises, God is always a refuge and strength for His people, and in His Presence and promises, they find rest for their souls. 

Beloved, as you trust God and depend on Him to help you face each trial, He is faithful and will provide a way for you to be successful. Know that God is God forever and ever, and He will be your God even unto death. He is your God forever and will be your Fortress till the end of time. No matter what you go through, God promises to be your God forever and ever. Even if everyone else abandons you on your journey, there is One who has promised to be with you to the very end of your life in this world and after. It doesn’t matter the magnitude of the problems confronting you; believe that He is your Refuge and Fortress, and He will stand by you during all the attacks of your enemies. In Him, you have hope, but outside of His hope, you will struggle with hopelessness. In His refuge, you find healing for your wounds, the strength to face perpetual difficulties, learn to be gracious to those who hurt you, and lean on God’s understanding. Even in the midst of a crisis, there is always a reason to be glad. Joy can be found even in times of pain and threat because the life-giving Presence of God Himself sustains you through every crisis. As your refuge and strength, God helps you get through crises and brings joy into those difficult moments. Remember, in moments of fear or uncertainty, God is with you, and His Presence is a constant source of strength and courage.

O Lord, thank You for always being with me. As my refuge and strength, help me to find peace in times of trouble in Your Presence in Jesus’ Name.
