The Lord Shall Give

Psalm 85:12 (KJV) 

Yea, the Lord shall give that which is good; and our land shall yield her increase.

The Psalm, written in the context of Israel’s return from Babylonian exile, is a period marked by a mix of relief and the need for renewal. The Psalmist expresses confidence in God’s forgiveness and restoration, setting a tone of hope for future blessings following sincere repentance. The acknowledgment of God’s faithfulness underscores the connection between trusting and seeking God and receiving His goodness and abundance. By recalling God’s past favor, the Psalmist emphasizes the correlation between divine blessings and a commitment to holiness. Psalm 84:11 KJV says, “For the LORD God is a sun and shield: The LORD will give grace and glory: No good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. When we walk in His ways, we’re assured of His favor and honor, making His blessings and goodness abundantly available to us. Without a doubt, God is inherently good. The eternal God who is good and from whom all goodness flows is our Father in Christ, and we are His children. It is undeniable that God, in His very nature and essence, is fundamentally good and possesses immeasurable power. We connect to God’s goodness and abundance when we seek and trust in Him. The imagery of the earth yielding its increase unequivocally reinforces the belief that God is the ultimate Source of all provision.

In challenging times, reflecting on God’s past acts of mercy and restoration towards His people highlights a relationship founded on forgiveness and grace. Moments like that can be opportunities for growth as we trust God’s faithfulness to bring about all that is good. God cannot be anything other than good, and this perfect goodness in Him constantly works for our good. James 1:17 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” God is the Source of all good things and a steadfast and unchanging Source. So, as children of God, when we wholeheartedly trust in Him and actively seek His goodness, we will undoubtedly reap a bountiful harvest in our lives. Just as a farmer patiently awaits the fruits of his labor, we too can be assured that our unwavering faith and diligent efforts will undoubtedly yield abundant blessings in due time. We experience His Goodness when we contemplate His holiness and infinite righteousness. God is not just a distant God but an ever-present force that offers an opportunity to experience His Goodness.

Beloved, God is good and will keep nothing good from you. Rest assured that the Lord will provide all that is good, and your land will yield its increase. If you are anxious about making ends meet, paying your bills, or providing for your children, have faith that the Lord is your Provider. He will unquestionably supply you with all that is good and necessary in your life. He will fulfill all your needs in miraculous ways. Keep your focus solely on Him. Know that His ways are higher than yours, and He is doing far bigger and greater things in and through your life for His glory than you could ever see. God’s commitment to your well-being and constant presence is unwavering. His promises are reliable, and if He has assured you that you will overcome your current challenges, then rest assured that you will. Have unwavering confidence in God’s unwavering nature. Trust that He is benevolent and compassionate towards you, and know He is orchestrating everything for your benefit, even if you are facing imminent catastrophe. As the Source of every good and perfect gift, respond with unwavering modesty, appreciation, and generosity towards others, knowing that the abundance provided by God will never deplete. Remember, the goodness of God is reserved for those who act with integrity.

O Lord, thank You for Your Word. Give me that which is good as I experience Your increase in Jesus’ Name.
