Proverbs 3:25-26(AMP)
Do not be afraid of sudden fear Nor of the storm of the wicked when it comes [since you will be blameless]; For the Lord will be your confidence, firm and strong, And will keep your foot from being caught [in a trap].
It is evident from Scripture that the strength of the devil is not in his power but in his devices, traps and wiles. The devil sets traps for people so he can proceed to destroy those his traps have caught. One of his traps is he uses fear to destroy the children of God. Fear is a magnet and an attraction of destruction. The devil introduces fear, and when fear matures, disaster and calamity arrive. 1 Peter 3:14 says “But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don’t worry or be afraid of their threats.” The more satan set traps for people, the more God provides ways of escape for His children. The truth is, there are several traps God has delivered us from that we are not even aware of. God is the reason we are not buried in this pandemic that claimed thousands of lives. He is the reason you are alive today!
So many people today are living with less than God’s best because they’ve allowed fear to creep in and take root in their lives. Fear is the greatest weapon the enemy uses to try to hold us back. Fear is not from God. Scripture tells us that fear brings torment. It’s designed to paralyze us and keep us from God’s blessings. Psalm 91:5 says “Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day.” The good news is that God is greater than fear and has control over every storm! Even the strongest storms are subject to His Authority. His Power in us is greater than any power that comes against us. But in order to walk in God’s Power, we have to close the door on the enemy of fear. The enemy can’t have access to our lives unless we open the door and give him access. That’s why we have to be careful about what we watch, what we listen to, what we read, and what we say. When we open ourselves to fear, we give the enemy opportunity.
Beloved, refuse to fear! Do everything you can to give no place to the devil through fear. Rather build your faith by studying the Word of God for faith brings preservation while fear facilitates destruction. Despite the devil and the storms of life, your confidence in God is a guarantee of your preservation and the security of your destiny. Today, meditate on Promises of God. Meditate on God’s Truth(the Word of God) and speak His Truth which sets you free! Believe God’s Word and His ability to deliver you always. Surround yourself in God’s love and let Him lead you into victory as you close the door on fear. By the mantle of God upon my life, I prophesy your total escape from every satanic trap that has entangled your life and destiny in Jesus’ Name. Remember, God loves you and He will be right there with you, He will keep you safe and sound.
O Lord, thank You for giving me a spirit of power, love and a sound mind. Fill me with Your peace and joy today as I move forward in victory in Jesus’ Name.