Psalms 4:3 (KJV)
But know that the LORD hath set apart him that is godly for himself: the LORD will hear when I call unto him.
It is clear from the Scripture that we serve a God who is unwaveringly committed to listening whenever the righteous call upon Him. In his moment of distress, David recognized that the Lord had set apart His faithful servants for Himself. His confidence was unshakeable; he knew without a doubt that God would hear and respond to his calls. David understood his privileged position in God’s heart, which assured him of a powerful response to his prayers. It is written in 1 Peter 3:12, “For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.” The righteous and godly have an undeniable right to pray and expect answers—this is an integral part of our heritage in Christ. With this understanding, prayer is essential for every Christian; it is a powerful moment of fellowship and expectation. We can take great joy in the magnificent and honorable works of our covenant-keeping God, who hears us, provides for us, protects us, and meticulously plans for our wellbeing. No matter our challenges, God’s Word is eternal and will surely come to pass. Knowing that the Lord hears us when we call empowers us to confidently approach Him with our concerns, fears, and desires. He is our refuge in times of trouble, and His ears are always attentive to our prayers. Even when the world seems to ignore us, we can take comfort in the certainty that our cries never go unheard by God.
Our God is an unchanging force in a world of constant change. While times and people may shift and situations evolve, our God and His Word remain steadfast. He is Ancient yet forever timeless; His power today is no less than it was yesterday. That is why we stand strong—we will not be consumed or fall victim to casualties. God is our Fortress, Strong Tower Shield, Rock of Defense, Shade of Protection, and Shelter in the storm. He is Mighty to deliver and save, a Mighty Man in battle, the Lord of hosts. God rules with authority in the affairs of men, ready to save His anointed with the saving strength of His Right Hand from calamity when we call upon Him. We are secure in His unwavering power and protection. James 5:16 says, “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” As the apple of God’s Eye, our prayers are incredibly dynamic and possess immense power to achieve great things because God ensures they are profoundly effective. Instead of succumbing to despair, we confidently embrace the boundless love our Father freely gives us. As believers, we are uniquely set apart—held dear by God, just like His own Son—ready to hear us whenever we call on Him.
Beloved, it doesn’t matter the magnitude of the problems confronting you. Just believe that God is never late because He has heard your call. He will stand by you during all the attacks of the enemies. It is only the Almighty God who can save you; He saves not once or twice but all the time. He is the only Deliverer from the forces of darkness, the One by whose Name every knee must bow. For this purpose, approach the throne of prayers with full assurance of faith and a pure conscience because prayers are answered on the platform of faith. Believe that you have come to the prayer answering God to take delivery of your desires. Today, don’t bear any needless pain, but take all to the Lord in prayer, for in His Arms He’ll save and shield you. In Him, you will find solace there! Keep praying, knowing you’ll surely receive answers. Keep filling the clouds with your heartfelt prayers, and you will surely testify; your expectations will never be cut short, for He is a prayer-answering God. Remember, you are not just wandering aimlessly; rather, you have been chosen and protected by the Creator of the universe.
O Lord, I receive the grace for godly living and to serve You above all else, help me to continually stay in prayer in Jesus’ Name.