The Lord Won’t Forsake You

Psalm 94:14 (KJV) 

For the Lord will not cast off his people, neither will he forsake his inheritance.

Psalm 94 is a powerful lamentation that addresses the wicked’s oppression of God’s people. It was composed during severe persecution and imminent danger for God’s people. The Scripture encapsulates the unwavering faithfulness of God, serving as a resounding reminder that even in the darkest of circumstances and amidst feelings of isolation, God’s commitment to us remains unshakable. We are treasured as His inheritance, highly loved, precious, and eternally embraced. God not only equips us with His Word to navigate trials but also allows trials to illuminate His Word for us. When faced with opposition, shattered plans, fractured relationships, or lost peace, His words resonate with unparalleled strength and sweetness. In the face of deep wounds, God’s healing goes to greater depths. Amidst widespread troubles, His assistance extends further, or amid numerous cares, His consolations multiply. 1 Samuel 12:22 says, “For the Lord will not forsake his people for his great name’s sake: because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people.”  When experiencing heightened anxiety, it’s important to recognize that we are not without support. Our God seeks to provide solace, offering a sense of tranquility and serenity that surpasses our immediate situation.

In a world where things often feel uncertain, there’s this unwavering promise that we’re never alone and never abandoned. Emotional challenges often arise unexpectedly within one’s faith community and those very close to us. Instead of support, we might face critical judgment and added burdens. We may encounter hurdles, setbacks, or deviations from our expected path. However, it’s imperative to understand that God’s purpose is resolute and unwavering, even in adversity. It’s also important to note that God will orchestrate His designs for us, ensuring they come to fruition. Philippians 1:6 says, “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:” Paul says that God, who saved us, has started a good work in us, which He is committed to perfect. That is, He is Perfect and has a perfect plan for us. Isaiah 48:10 says, “Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction. The Lord is faithful and unwavering in His commitment to our success and well-being.” As our loving Creator, He has crafted every one of us with purpose, intention, and uniqueness. He has intricately designed and formed us, and just like a skilled artisan who doesn’t abandon their creation, God will not forsake us. He will continue refining, molding, and guiding us toward fulfilling His plans for our lives. We can rest assured that with God by our side, we can achieve anything and everything that concerns our lives.

Beloved, God will not cast you out or forsake you. He will perfect all that concerns you and bring back on your enemies their evil and wipe them out for their wickedness. Believe in God’s promises to you and know that you are an integral part of His divine plan. Don’t give up or lose hope because whatever God has promised, He will surely bring to pass. Despite facing challenges, your purpose holds great significance, and you are under divine care. God has comprehensive knowledge of your situation, far surpassing your own observations and understanding. The discomfort you experience manifests your Heavenly Father’s love, intended to guide you toward righteousness, tranquility, and happiness. Even during your most challenging trials, when a loved one seeks to cause you harm, God purposefully utilizes every moment, every interaction, and every injustice to express love toward you and never in opposition. With God by your side, you can rest assured that He will never allow you to be tempted beyond what you can handle and will always bring to completion what He has started in your life. Remember, no matter how compassionate, affectionate, and supreme God is, moral injustices remain fundamentally unjust. His love does not legitimize the injustice; rather, He will ultimately rectify every injustice.

O Lord, use me boldly and purposefully in ways that will honor Your greatness. Help me trust Your plan, even amidst uncertainty and challenges, in Jesus’ Name.
