The Righteous Flourishes

Psalm 92:12(KJV)

The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.

It is clear from the Scripture that our Creator intended us to flourish. He created us to blossom and to grow and wants our lives to be colorful, joyful, and complete. In this Psalm, David states that righteous people will flourish like a tree. This flourishing will take place in God’s courtyard. To be upright is to have a passion for God and live in reverential fear of God. It is the ability to do the right thing with the right motive, have a conscience that is alive and void of offense, and the willingness to take a stand. The uprightness of life is a spiritual catalyst to destiny fulfillment, upliftment, and greatness in life. Righteousness guarantees our prosperity, and honor has its roots in uprightness. It is the shortest way to the topmost top. That is, to be upright is to end right up. In other words, it takes righteousness to go up and stay up. David’s prayer is for the righteous to increase like the cedar with strength, stability, majesty and blossom like the palm tree. However, sin is indeed the thing that has destroyed the richness of life and continues to keep us from flourishing as God intended. Sin makes our lives barren and fruitless. 

When we are firmly established in the presence of God and aligned with His will, we will experience exponential growth and productivity comparable to a palm tree that constantly bears fruit. Those deeply rooted in God cannot be easily uprooted or experience a lack of progress in their endeavors. They will continue to bring forth fruit even in old age. The palm tree is unique; all of its parts are valuable, and even the chaffs of the palm seed are worthwhile and valuable. Jeremiah 17:8 says, “He will be like a tree planted by the waters that sends out its roots toward the stream. It does not fear when the heat comes, and its leaves are always green. It will not worry in a year of drought or cease producing fruit.” Have you ever seen a palm tree in the midst of a great storm? That tree may be bent so far over that it’s almost touching the ground, but when the wind finally stops, that palm tree bounces right back up. It is interesting to note that the palm tree gets stronger while hunched over under the pressure of the storm. As we flourish like the palm tree, there would be difficult times. So know things would come against us to try to steal our joy and victory. However, we will be like a palm tree because when the storms of life blow, we will come back up stronger than before. We can succeed in being a witness and faithful to God’s word, growing and becoming like Jesus each day. Psalm 72:7 says, “May the righteous flourish in his days and prosperity abound, until the moon is no more.” 

Beloved, live a lifestyle of righteousness because it brings blessings and abundant life. You have a great future; do not allow the devil to kill your destiny through sin. As you reflect on the past months, remember that the storms you have encountered have only made you stronger. You are wiser, more alive, and headed for victory. You are valuable, and your value is flourishing. Your brightest days are right out in front of you! Always remember that nothing can hold you back with God on your side! He promises that out of your limitations, He can bring possibilities. Just believe Him, for all things are possible to all who believe. Live a righteous life, and you shall flourish on all sides in Jesus’ Name. There is joy in knowing and living for the Lord and telling others about Him. And because you live for Him, no matter your circumstances or season of life, you will be an example of His Love. Remember, this flourishing will last for eternity, surviving the struggles and disasters of this earth.

O LORD, thank You for making me flourish. I trust that You are working in my life, even in the midst of the storms, in Jesus’ Name.
