Mark 8:34 (KJV)
And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
Jesus taught that anyone who wishes to follow Him must first deny themselves. In essence, He emphasized that our value to God must surpass our attachment to worldly things. Jesus made it clear to His followers that committing to Him necessitates a profound shift in our loyalties. When He spoke these words, He was guiding us on how to lead a life of greater significance here on Earth. Jesus dedicated His life not to Himself but entirely to God, obeying only what the Father instructed Him to do. Therefore, our purpose as Christians is to please God—sacrificing our lives to fulfill His will. Following His guidance, we are called to be His treasured disciples and representatives on Earth. The principles of true discipleship are clear: self-denial, taking up the cross and wholeheartedly following Jesus. Discipleship is fundamental to Christian growth and witness; it involves following Jesus Christ, serving Him, and obeying His commands. The call of discipleship is putting aside our own desires, ambitions, and comforts to align with God’s will. It’s about prioritizing His plans over our own. As His disciples, we aim to emulate and represent Him in His absence. Living for Christ transforms us to be more like Him, allowing our unique individuality to flourish. Alongside this essential aspect of discipleship, we should cultivate humility, gentleness, discipline, justice, and love. The lifestyle of Christ’s disciples should be distinctly different and morally superior to that of the world.
Identifying with Jesus demands a firm belief in His standards and a steadfast commitment to live by them. As devoted disciples, we must embrace an unwavering zeal for God and dedicate our lives entirely to Him. The model of discipleship established by the Lord clearly outlines that anyone aspiring to be a true disciple must first practice self-denial. This concept is about prioritizing the Master’s will over personal interests and preferences. In denying ourselves, we cultivate a strong aversion to sin and exhibit a willingness to relinquish conflicting desires, pleasures, ambitions, and goals to remain loyal to Christ. We demonstrate self-denial by fully surrendering to Christ and being resolute in our obedience to His will. While the journey of following Christ presents challenges, He has equipped us with His Spirit, ensuring that the reward is a complete and joyful life both now and forever. As we follow Him, our burdens are lifted, and our lives are transformed. Walking alongside our gentle and humble Leader is not a burden but a pathway filled with rest, hope, and healing. Embracing this essential step makes the Christian race accessible and fulfilling for all who choose it.
Beloved, your top priority is to give yourself to God and to live in communication with Him. Spend enough time with Him so that you can hear His voice and respond in obedience. God’s will should reign supreme over all other interests in your life, and His laws must serve as the definitive standard for determining what is right and wrong. Learn to make yourself do the right things. Only when you do that will you be genuinely fulfilled. Embrace your passion for God, and watch as He moves heaven and earth on your behalf. Take the yoke of Jesus Christ with all seriousness and steadfastness. Decide to follow Jesus despite the hostility of the world around you. Deny yourself, take your cross, and follow Jesus Christ daily. Make up your mind to live solely for Christ and Christ alone. If you are struggling to take up your cross daily, ask God to help you with the grace to subject your flesh to the dictates of His Spirit. Surrender all to Jesus Christ today, and He will give you rest. With your eyes and heart focused on the Cross, you look forward to being with Jesus in His Heavenly home. Today, walk in Jesus’ footsteps, learn from His teachings, and live out His example daily. Remember, discipleship involves making sacrifices and prioritizing God’s will over personal desires.
O Lord, I relinquish the ownership of my life to You. Help me take my cross daily and follow You in Jesus’ Name.