The Voice Of Triumph

Psalm 47:1-4 (KJV)

O clap your hands, all ye people; shout unto God with the voice of triumph. For the Lord most high is terrible; he is a great King over all the earth. He shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our feet. He shall choose our inheritance for us, the excellency of Jacob whom he loved. Selah.

From our anchored Scripture, we are to clap our hands and shout with the voice of triumph to the Lord, for He is a Great King over all the earth who shall choose our inheritance for us. We discover that one of the wonders of praise is the release of our inheritances. When we engage the mystery of high praises, God releases our heritage of total health, favor, fruitfulness, victory, continuous progress, and unending breakthroughs. There are many portions of the Bible where the children of God are admonished to praise the Lord in singing and dancing, clapping, using musical instruments, and in the Holy Spirit. Praising God helps us focus on His ability and opens the door to possibilities. Praise is remembering and expressing our joy and thanks for all God has done, is doing, and will do for us. It invites His Presence and provokes His Intervention. Praise is a fearful weapon that can turn the dreadful things in our lives into wonderful and delightful things. Praise will launch us into a life of endless miracles. It is a weapon of privilege that God has put in our hands to make living glorious for us.

We live in a world where numerous individuals have been deprived of their rightful position and legacy due to the successful efforts of malevolent forces to diminish their expressions of gratitude towards God. The enemy is in a rage and is unrelentingly attacking God’s children to stop their praise to God. The devil wants to overwhelm and overburden believers with worries, discouragement, depression, hardship, and difficulty so that they will not be able to praise God to enjoy their inheritance in Christ. The enemy’s evil tactics are to weigh us down because he knows we are created to worship and praise God, for God inhabits the praises of His people, and in praising God, we get untold blessings from the Most High God. When we grumble, complain, and doubt God, we rob ourselves of our inheritance. However, we should not let the devil have his way by stopping us from praising the Lord to receive our inheritance. David said in Psalm 34:1, “I will bless the Lord at all times.” He continued to bless the Lord whether in sorrow or happiness, plenty or lack, life or death. If we want to see God back us up, then no reason is strong enough to cast us down; we should live a life of endless praise to God.

Beloved, you can praise your way out of frustration, stagnation, and unpleasant situations. Choosing to praise Him in the middle of challenging circumstances and to thank Him for the ways He has been faithful before opens the door for His presence to come and for His power to begin working on your behalf by releasing your inheritance. Take some minutes and praise God for Who He is, what He has done, and what He has yet to do. Whether you are happy or not, praise Him all the same. Praise God when you don’t feel like it because it is vital to handle battles and situations you cannot handle, as well as unforeseen battles. Your present situation is not without the knowledge of the All-knowing God. God is surely greater than the situation. You may not have the voice to sing, but anything that carries joy, even if it is a noise or clap, is praise. So, make a joyful noise and clap your hands to the Lord; your life will never be the same. Develop the habit of praising Him, and as you always do this, His Glory and Power will be revealed in your circumstances. Like David, tell the devil and all who care to listen that you will always praise the King of kings and the Lord of lords, the Most High God, even in despair and disturbed. Today, put on the garment of praise! Remember, if the devil cannot stop your praise, he cannot hold your wonderful things and inheritance.

O Lord, I ask for the grace always to praise You, as I praise manifest Yourself in my life in Jesus’ Name.
