There Is Lifting Up

Job 22:29(KJV)

When men are cast down, then thou shalt say, There is lifting up; and he shall save the humble person.

Our anchor Scripture communicates the fact that God makes exceptions and distinguishes His people in the midst of terrible situations in the world. We may be living in the same world, but it is not true that our experiences are the same. In other words, the children of God are not permitted to experience the calamity or affliction the rest of the world faces. The Scripture says that when men say there is a casting down, the believer shall say there is a lifting up. God is giving us a word of assurance that in spite of the onslaughts of the adversary, there is a lifting for His people. There is always a difference between the children of God and the world’s people. The truth is that God has already programmed our lives to be different. We are born of God, and His very life is in us. We are born to be different from the world.

The desire of God for His children is for them to experience lifting and provision in all ramifications, no matter the situation of the world. For the children of God, it does not matter how terrible it gets for the people of the world; our connection to God makes our case different. Association with God delivers us from every disaster or tragedy organized by the enemy. When God wanted to destroy the earth in the days of Noah, Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD. Because he was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God(Genesis 6:7-9). So, when the flood sank other people, Noah and his family sailed on that same flood because Noah was connected to God. As long as we remain faithful to keep and defend the interests of God, we shall never be cut off in any circumstance we find ourselves in. While others are living in hardship, we shall be living in abundance. Ezekiel 21:26 says, “Thus saith the Lord God; Remove the diadem, and take off the crown: this shall not be the same: exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high.”

Beloved, for your case to be different, be determined to have a total stand with God, never have one leg in church and another in the world. Be wholly sold out to the Lord! If God is your Father, let Him be your Father indeed! Trust Him for His Word concerning your life because He has a perfect and glorious plan for you. As a believer, you are already lifted up and too blessed to be cast down! Embrace a proactive attitude towards circumstances that may cause fear or anxiety in others while maintaining a sound understanding of the underlying details involved. Always believe and confess that your case is different. What is destroying others will not kill you. No matter the setback you have suffered in your career, business, finances, marriage, and ministry, there is a lifting up for you. There’s no disadvantage for you as a child of God; therefore, know who you are in Christ, for you’ve been divinely positioned for greatness. When there was darkness in Egypt, the land of Goshen had light! In this season, you are immune from the adverse climate of the world in Jesus’ Name. Remember, the humble shall be lifted up and live in safety.

O Lord, thank You for Your Word. I declare that my case is different, and there is a lifting for me in Jesus’ Name.
