Treasure God’s Word

Psalm 119:10-11(KJV) 

With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.                                                                            From our anchored Scripture, we find the wisdom to seek God and discover fresh motivation and encouragement for not wandering away from the commandments of God. King David sought the Lord with all his heart because he knew that was the secret to keeping the commandments of God so that he would not sin against God. The way not to sin is to treasure the word of God in our hearts. The key to achieving the ultimate goal of life, which is to glorify God by finding eternal happiness in Him, lies in cherishing the word of God in our hearts. When we seek God with our whole hearts, we acquire light, and light brings direction for godly living. With light, we know what to do, and once we know what to do, we remain with God. Seeking God has many benefits, for it is written in Psalm 119:2, “Blessed and favored by God are those who keep His testimonies, And who [consistently] seek Him and long for Him with all their heart.” 

We are blessed and favored when we consistently seek Him and long for Him with all our hearts. The strength to resist sinful conduct comes when we seek God, feed on His Word, and do what it says. We should allow the Word to be our guide and wisdom in all the decisions and actions we take. More than that, we should allow our dedication to God to restrict our inner cravings and public conduct. The more of God and His Word in us, the more significant influence than the temptations around us. It also has the power to make us fulfill God’s destiny. What are we seeking? Is it cars, money, houses, power, or the Lord? The standard is that we seek God with all our hearts. Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” As children of God, we are to be mindful of the things we seek after, who we listen to, and what we let into our hearts. In Matthew 5:8, Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.” If we allow impurities to dwell in our hearts, we must forget about ever seeing God.

Beloved, the key to living a perfect life for the successful ending of your Christian journey lies in your obedience and dedication to God. Desire more of God with your whole heart, and seek Him first, and all things will be added to you. Don’t let worldly desires turn your heart away from God. Guard your heart diligently with the Word of God, meditate on it, listen to recordings of sound teachings of the Gospel(NOT CHASING AFTER FAKE PROPHETS), and keep company with fellow true believers. Treasure God’s word. Hide it in your heart. Allow it to fill every part of your life. It will enable you to live a faithful life of obedience to God. Guard your heart from all forms of ungodliness, and you will escape the traps and temptations of the devil. Look for ways to honor and please Him. Become more conscious of seeking after God, and you’ll function with greater insight and knowledge, walking in success, health, prosperity, peace, and strength always! He knows what is best for you. Remember to seek God daily with all your heart; your life will never be the same. 

O Lord, fill my heart with Your Word so I will not wander away from Your commandments in Jesus’ Name.
