Trust In The Lord

Psalm 125:1(KJV) 

They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed but abideth forever.

David says those who put their weight on the LORD and trust Him cannot be moved or shaken. David trusted the Lord totally, and he was never disappointed. Trusting in the Almighty God ensures victory in life’s battles. Only those who have unwavering trust in God are destined to triumph over life’s challenges effortlessly. Our security is dependent on our absolute confidence in the Lord. To experience His protection, we must remain steadfast in our faith. Essentially, those who trust in God are unshakeable; God’s protection ensures their security. They will send their roots into the soil full of water and bear fruit. If He who made the earth is our security, we should not fear serving Him with all our heart and strength, for He builds walls of protection around us. Psalm 62:8 says, “Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.” Knowing God as our refuge allows us to always trust Him.

Trusting in God is a bold act of faith, focusing on God’s unwavering goodness, unmatched power, and unbreakable promises over our fears, doubts, and current circumstances. When we trust in God, we focus solely on Him, unaffected by life’s challenges or even medical reports. In essence, we remain undisturbed by the storm around us because God’s steadfast love and omnipotence always prevail. He is worthy of being trusted today, tomorrow, and forever. Our God is stable and dependable, and He will never change. It takes trust and diligence to please God. It takes confidence and faith in His promises to appropriate His blessings, with a firm and persistent resolve to abide in His will. In Daniel chapter 6, the three Hebrew boys chose to trust in God; the result was mind-blowing! The fire that did not affect them was the same that burnt their adversaries to ashes, for as long as our defense is unshakable, our defeat is not possible. When we trust God, He watches and fights on our behalf, and the battles of life cannot consume us. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” When we trust our lives to Him, we have an assurance that He is willing and able to take us all the way home. When we put all in His care, we can rest assured that we are safe in His Hands and our future is secure in Him.

Beloved, your decision to serve God and fully trust Him is not a wasted effort. It will produce much more than you expect, for your expectations shall manifest. The tears will still come, you will feel the pressure, and so will the temptations, but in the midst of all, God’s Grace, Peace, and Joy are there for you. The enemy will attack the foundation of your trust in God by attacking your heart with a fiery arrow of doubt. However, maintain your wholehearted confidence in God. Do not quit trusting God. Hold on just a little while, for God will meet you at the very point of your need and give you victory. There is a reason for going through what you are experiencing now. Trust God, for He will see you through. Today, take Him at His Word, knowing that He has never failed and will never fail you when you trust Him. He is your rock and salvation, so be patient and meditate on His goodness and love, including His promise that He will never leave or forsake you. Rest in His power, and you will not be scared by any situation. Nothing shall by any means hurt you. You will not try to figure out the next step because you have entrusted your life and destiny into His safe and loving Hands. Remain in Him, and He will help you fight against principalities, powers, and spiritual forces of wickedness. He will not allow you to be defeated in battle because He will defend, protect, deliver you, and subdue your enemies. Remember, God is not limited by anything. What He says is done, what He promises is carried out, and what He desires is accomplished.

O Lord, thank You for Your Word; help me trust You always in Jesus’ Name.
