Uncommon Favor!

Genesis 6:8(AMP)
But Noah found favor and grace in the eyes of the Lord.
It has been established that God show favor to His people. By His Favor and Grace, the children of God, are not permitted to experience the same calamity as the world faces. The favor and grace of God is a reality. Thousands have tried, tested, and proved that it is more than tame doctrine or a boring theory. God’s Favor and Grace was responsible for Noah’s appointment into the special assignment that led to his entire family surviving the flood. Although the application of God’s Grace can be selective like in Noah’s case, it is available to all especially those who are dedicated to Him.
Throughout the Bible, God showed Himself gracious in His dealings with mankind. He exempted and distinguished Noah and his family from the world. When the world was set for destruction, the Bible says, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. God’s Grace and Favor made way for Noah and his family, when others were sinking and dying, Noah and his family were sailing on that same flood lifted up and preserved. As believers, we need God’s grace at every point in time, whether in prosperity or adversity. Genesis 39:4 says “So Joseph pleased Potiphar and found favor in his sight and he served him as his personal servant. He made Joseph overseer over his house, and he put all that he owned in Joseph’s charge.” When Joseph found favor in the sight of Potiphar, he ruled his house. Favor singled out Joseph and distinguished him. His character attracted and sustained God’s favor and grace on him.
Beloved, believe you are exempted from the negative climate of the world and know that where everyone else experiences disfavor, you will be favored. Endeavour to be in the Will of God per time, always believing and confessing that your case is different. Do not attempt to walk the journey of life on your own. Always ask for Divine Favor and Grace from God so you can walk in the righteousness and obedience that please Him. Be committed to covenant practices to attract God’s Favor. To somebody reading this devotional this day you are about to be favored by God for your change of story/level in Jesus’ Name. Receive your uncommon favor now!
O LORD, let Your Grace and Favor shield me and all I have from the calamity that is befalling the world in Jesus’ Name.
