Unto You Is Born The Savior

Luke 2:11(KJV)

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

Christmas is a very significant time of year. The Christmas season is a time set aside by Christians to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a season to celebrate the hope that the world received when Jesus was born. The moment Jesus was born into this world, there was hope for a better life for us. His birth bypassed natural order and suspended the protocol of nature to achieve the Kingdom’s purpose. That demonstrated the supremacy of the Divine Order over the normal. It was an indisputable display of the superiority of supernatural laws over natural law. John wrote in John 1:14 that the Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. John highlights this truth in John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” In his definition, he revealed the Word as a person: Jesus, the Son of God, who was with God in the beginning. This Word, the Father’s only Son, came to dwell among us. Through Jesus the Word, God reveals Himself perfectly. 

The birth of Jesus brought joy to the world, a pure marvel to see the eternal Word of God wrapped in swaddling clothes, to be with and walk amongst men! No wonder he was called Emmanuel (God with us). Every step Jesus took was the Word of God in motion, the Word personified. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the truth is that many are celebrating Christmas without the knowledge of the Savior. That is what thousands and indeed millions are celebrating, without knowing the reason for this season. Jesus is the reason for this season, and if we don’t know Him, this is an opportunity to do so, and He will become the Lord of our lives. Say this, “Lord Jesus, come into my life. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Savior. I believe You were born, died, and rose from the dead to save me. Thank You, Lord, for saving me, in Jesus Name.” Remember, it is only the wise who seek Jesus. If we know Him, be the one this Christmas season to spread the message about the Peace available in Jesus and talk about His Goodwill toward men. To Christians, the joy of Christmas is not limited to His birth. As we exchange our gifts, remember that they symbolize the unspeakable gift of God’s love.

Beloved, allowing Jesus into your life will bring His wonders, counsel, love, mighty works, peace, and glory into your life. If Jesus is the Lord of your life, He will re-write the history of your life and give you the desired future. The birth of Jesus has come to break every natural and unnatural barrier to fulfilling God’s plan and purpose for your life. On this memorable day, I prophesy that the end of every frustrating situation in your life has come in Jesus’s Name. Just as the devil could not locate Jesus nor destroy Him in the womb, likewise, God is going to do something in your life that will take the devil by surprise in Jesus’ Name. Whether the devil likes it or not, you will celebrate and jubilate this Christmas and your way into 2024 in Jesus’ Name! Your days shall be merry and bright with the light of God’s love. MERRY CHRISTMAS! God will make the mystery of the birth of Jesus Christ real in your life.

O LORD, I thank You for the birth of Jesus. As I celebrate Christmas, do the extraordinary in my life in Jesus’ Name.
