Watch Your Tongue

1 Peter 3:10(KJV)

For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile.

Apostle Peter’s advice was based on king David’s song in Psalm 34 when he found himself in deep distress and facing life-threatening danger. King David and Apostle Peter encouraged us to keep our tongues from speaking evil and our lips from telling lies. It would be wise to pay attention to the one major thing mentioned in this Scripture as vital to experiencing a good life. The content and manner of our words have a significant impact on our relationship with God and man. In other words, our words and how we use our speech seriously impact the quality of life we enjoy. If we desire our future to be correct, we must be careful of what our mouths disclose. It must be good, right, blessing, holy, godly, sincere, and the truth, not lies, backbiting, backstabbing, filth, unclean, or insults. As children of God, we must use our tongues to speak life to ourselves and everything that concerns us and not try to move ahead in life by speaking evil or lying about others. Nothing cuts short a vibrant life like evil speech and lies we tell. Our tongue should speak well of people and situations. Proverbs 21:23 says, “Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut, and you will stay out of trouble.” 

The ability to speak or use words is the greatest of all the natural gifts given to us by God. Our tongue is what controls and determines everything else about our lives. We are what we say; our words locate us and determine our destiny. The Lord, through the power of Words, created this world. It reveals what we can and is supposed to do with words. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” The truth is that our speech determines our reach in life. The way we talk determines the way we end. Words are powerful! So, how we use our mouths determines the outcome of every storm. Not realizing the power of the tongue, Christians have killed things that should be alive in their lives and resurrected what should be dead. Words can kill, and words can also heal. It is crucial to understand that words are prophecies, every time we speak, we are prophesying about our future. Psalms 141:3-4 says, “Take control of what I say, O LORD, and guard my lips. Don’t let me drift toward evil or take part in acts of wickedness. Don’t let me share in the delicacies of those who do wrong.” We pray with our mouths; it would be a pity if we ever defiled it with untruth, pride, or wrath.

Beloved, your life will change for good if you start to live by the principles that govern your good life. Watch your tongue, for it is crucial for your survival. It can shorten or prolong your days. Whatever is not your intention must never be your confession. Keep your tongue because the wisdom of words is the capacity to remain silent. Not every time you see people talking that you have to speak. The truth of the matter is nobody can misquote silence. When your words are sincere, kind, and encouraging, they are uplifting, comforting, and strengthening in the LORD; they are beautiful to the heart and soul. Proverbs 25:11 says, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” So, guard your tongue against hurting others by choosing your words carefully and speaking wisely. Every time you injure another person’s character at their back, you have destroyed your destiny. Don’t eat another for dinner with your friends by carrying your knife and fork to butcher them. Cultivate the habit of apologizing, owning up when you are wrong, be quick to hear and slow to speak. Let people’s reputations be safe in your care or custody. Today, build your life with the right words. Speak words consistent with the glorious life of righteousness, peace, health, wealth, and joy that you have in Christ Jesus. Guard your words today so you may not harm others by what you say. Be careful and intentional about all that you say. Ask God for wisdom to know what to say and what not to say. Watch what you say, when you say it, how you say it, where you say it, and to whom you say it. Remember not to say anything when angry because many have used their mouth to kill themselves and others by saying so many unnecessary words.

O Lord, help me to refrain my tongue from evil and lies. Let the words of my mouth and the intentions of my heart be pleasing to You in Jesus’ Name.
