Water From The Rock

Exodus 17:6 (KJV)

Behold, I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.

Throughout the Bible, there are numerous examples of the possibilities of God. Our God dares the impossible and does the unthinkable. He performed the miracle of making water flow from a rock for the children of Israel. In Exodus 17:1-6, God’s people came to a place in the wilderness called Rephidim where there was no water for them to drink. The children of Israel were thirsty and discouraged, and they took issue with Moses and thought of stoning him. However, God told Moses to strike a rock so that water would come out of it for His children. And from this rock gushed water, abundantly refreshing Israel. The children of Israel faced another test, but they failed, even in the midst of their daily witness of God’s miracles. They forgot they were walking with the God of all possibilities. Luke 1:37 says, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” With God, all things are attainable and within reach.

We serve a God that acts beyond the boundaries and limits of men. God can do, undo, overdo, extra-do, and mega-do anything beyond human comprehension. God is the God of all possibilities; He dwells in a realm where impossibilities can’t exist. It is for this reason no force from hell can stop God from having His Way. The track record of God’s Almightiness shows that nothing is impossible for Him. All we need to do is to leave everything in His Hands. He is capable of doing what no man can do. Even when a man promises to do something for you, what he can do is limited to the extent his strength can carry him, whereas God has unlimited power and resources. The awesomeness of God is made manifest in situations that are tagged impossible. The Lord said to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 32:27, “Behold I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?” The answer is a resounding NO!

Beloved, all things are possible with God Almighty because the possibility is His Nature. I have come to challenge you no matter how hopeless the situation is, don’t give up on the Word of God. What has God spoken to you? Hold on to it; believe it with all your heart, and it will come to pass. God is never too late. When you even think He is doing nothing, hang in there, for He is working out something for your good. The God of all possibilities will make the rock give you water this season. There is nothing God cannot do. If it doesn’t exist, you don’t need it. When you come to the point where you completely give God the space to move, then He will move. When God brings you into a waterless encampment, and you see wilderness stretching in every direction with no way out, don’t be like Israel! Trust Him, for He brought you into the wilderness, and He can bring you out. Don’t let your unbelief limit you. Today, place your faith in the God of all solutions and honor God by believing that nothing is impossible for Him. To you who believe, you shall also experience His possibility. There shall be an expedited reversal of every negative situation in your life today in Jesus’ Name. Unexpected sources shall begin to give you unprecedented supplies in Jesus’ Name. Remember, with God, all things are possible.

O Lord, help me believe nothing is impossible with You, do what You alone can do in my life in Jesus’ Name.
