What Do You Have?

2 Kings 4:2(KJV)

And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? tell me, what hast thou in the house? And she said, Thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil.

The passage highlights an important principle about the process of multiplication. According to the scriptural reference, God requires a seed before a miracle of multiplication can occur. The biblical narrative of Elisha and the widow highlights a precarious situation where the widow lost her source of income after the death of her husband. This created a risk not only for her financial stability but also for her overall well-being. In the absence of a steady stream of income, her two remaining sons were also going to be sold into slavery to repay her family’s debt! Not only did she have nothing, she had less than nothing. However, Elisha did not bless the woman with money to pay her debts but instead asked her what she had. Although it may seem callous to ask a destitute widow about her possessions, Elisha understood the multiplication principle. The woman had a little oil, which Elisha recognized as a seed. Despite having almost nothing, she realized that she still possessed something. This seed was all required to release the miracle of multiplication, which got the widow out of poverty. When the woman did as Elisha instructed, one by one, she filled each jar. The passage underscores the importance of recognizing the seed in any given situation, as it represents the potential for multiplication. 

As children of God, we must find out what God has deposited in us as seeds that He can use to perform the miracle we need. However, the good news is that we always have something at our disposal that can serve as a springboard into supernatural multiplication. Before feeding the five thousand through the miracle of multiplication, our Lord Jesus Christ asked the disciples, “How many loaves do you have?” They replied seven and a few fish. He then took the seven loaves and the fish, and when he had given thanks, more than five thousand people ate, and they had leftovers. When Elijah asked the widow of Zarephath what she had, she said she only had a little flour and oil for a day’s meal, but when God blessed her seed, it became a bumper harvest of cakes for three and half years. As believers, we should have an unwavering faith in the divine providence of God. Jehovah Jireh is a testament to God’s promise of providing for our needs. It is essential to note that God’s provision is not a tentative act but a definite one. Whenever we feel deprived, we must remind ourselves that God has the power to satiate our spiritual and physical hunger completely. God’s provision is never partial; it is always complete and comprehensive.

Beloved, unless your seed leaves your hand, you cannot unleash its power to bless you. That little is all you need to jump-start the miracle of God in your life. If you are willing to demonstrate your faith by putting that little bit into His Hands, He will multiply it. Don’t be so overwhelmed with the challenge of life that what you have in your hand looks like nothing. Because what you consider little or not enough is nothing but a seed. Don’t underestimate the gift of God in you. No one is totally useless. There is something you have that no man or woman has. There is something you can contribute that no one can. There is a special gift in you that the world is waiting for. However, like the widow, God will do nothing if you cannot see and appreciate the little you have. Take advantage of this, and they go around throwing pity parties. Your challenge is only as big as you make it. You are as important as you see yourself. If you think you are nothing, a nobody, a no-good, there is nothing anyone can do about it. But if you see yourself as the extension of God here on earth, if you see yourself as the success that God has made you, then there is absolutely nothing that can stop it. Don’t neglect the little because God will enlarge your coast beyond your wildest imagination. Remember, if you obey God faithfully, you will overflow, prosper, and live to see all His Promises fulfilled in your lifetime.

O Lord, help me always to see and appreciate the seed You have placed in my hand in Jesus’ Name.
