Whatever God Does Is Permanent

Ecclesiastes 3:14 (KJV)

I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.

God has ordained that everything has an appropriate time and purpose and will ensure it is fulfilled accordingly. Every age is divinely created and will continue until another succeeds it. God is the agent of change, and each period will persist for its designated duration. We serve a God who gives us good things to enjoy. Everything He does will endure forever. As we acknowledge Him and follow His loving commands, He infuses our lives with purpose, meaning, and joy. One of the defining traits of the Power of God is its long-lasting effect. Everything that God does has a staying power that can withstand the test of time. This is why we can confidently attest to the durability of the Power of God, knowing that it produces lasting results in the lives of people. Our anchor Scripture confirms this, supported by Psalms 33:11, which says, “The counsel of the LORD standeth forever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.” In other words, the counsel of the Lord stands forever; our inheritance through Jesus Christ is irreversible.

As children of God, we can find true enjoyment by recognizing that God is in control and His plans cannot be altered. God has established the plan of life in a sovereign and independent manner, and we must revere Him for it. The Bible teaches us that wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord, and until we acknowledge and trust God’s superior wisdom, we cannot truly fear Him. This fear is not a paralyzing terror but a deep respect and honor for Him. Living without acknowledging God will only lead to emptiness, dissatisfaction, and restlessness, causing life to feel meaningless. The true secret to a fulfilling life is the presence of God Himself. Many people struggle in life because they desire to control everything that happens to them. This is true even for those who identify as Christians. We may feel upset and lose faith when things don’t go our way. However, it’s important to remember that God will not give up His power. We cannot change His plans; nothing can be put to it or taken from it. God can and does give meaning and purpose to the meaninglessness surrounding us.

Beloved, there is no need to fear for your future. If God blessed you with something, that blessing is lasting. You can also trust God for your healing and deliverance as it will endure. No harm can come back to you once God has healed or delivered you. For those blessed with a marriage, rest assured that if God brought you together, it is meant to last. Despite any challenges you may face, do not let fear take hold. Trust in God’s promises for you and your family, no matter what negative news you hear. No matter how heavy the burden of pain you bear, it is better with God in it. As long as God calls you His child and gives you a purpose, He will finally lead you into His blessing and Heaven. Knowing what God is saying lets you rely totally on Him without fearing failure. You can depend on Him, for the word of the Lord remains steadfast forever. Speak forth the Word of God and boldly apply the Blood of Jesus over every aspect of your life – your destiny, your family, and everything that concerns you. Keep the atmosphere of God’s Presence consistently and confidently, knowing you have been empowered, for whatever God does is permanent.

O Lord, teach me to trust in Your work because I know nothing can be added to or taken from it in Jesus’ Name.
