With Us Is The Lord Our God

2 Chronicles 32:8(KJV)

With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the LORD our God to help us and to fight our battles.

We serve a God who has the capacity to help and fight the battles of His children. The help of God is so superior, reliable, and dependable that He promises to be with us when we go through deep waters and great trouble or rivers of difficulty; we will not drown! Even when we walk through the fire of oppression, we will not be burned up—the flames will not consume us. For our anchored Scripture, we understand God has the final say regarding every battle confronting His children. The people gained confidence from what Hezekiah, the king of Judah, said. Under the influence of the Holy Spirit, King Hezekiah told the people to be courageous in the face of the threats of war from Sennacherib, king of Assyria. The action the people took made God release His angel to annihilate all the fighting men, about 185,000 in the camp of the Assyrians after king Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah had prayed. King Sennacherib went home and eventually met his own demise as well.

The life of a Christian is like a running battle with many conflicts. However, the help of God of Heaven secures the trusting Christian victories in all the conflicts. In the darkest moments of life, the assurance of His Loving Presence gives us confidence that we are not alone. He gives us the Grace to endure and the wisdom to know He is working. Our God is a dependable Refuge for His people when everything around them seems to be falling apart. He is our Strong Tower against the enemy, a Defense for His people. He is the only One who can get us out of tight places when we are boxed into a corner and threatened on every side. Whenever the enemy comes against us as a flood, the Spirit of God is readily available to lift a standard against him. Life’s challenges confront us differently, but our faith and confidence in God determine the results. Without God, man is hopeless and helpless. He is our present help in trouble.

Beloved, fear not, nor be afraid of those constantly fighting you spiritually and physically because God is with you and will never fail or forsake you. Always ask for the help of God in prayer. Depend on Him wholly for His Help in all areas of your life. Know that the Almighty God is the Only Help you have. He is very present Help in times of need(Psalm 46:1). If the Almighty God cannot help you in your adversity, no “mighty man” or devil can help you, so look up to Him for your help. When the Lord sees that you TRUST Him to be your only source of help, He will arise and help you. I pray that the Almighty God will help you in the day of trouble, and you shall not be ashamed in Jesus’ Name. There is no storm that God won’t carry you through. No bridge that God won’t help you cross. No battle that He won’t help you win. No heartache that God won’t help you let go of. God is so much bigger than anything you will face today. Leave everything in His Hands and embrace this day confidently, knowing He will help you. When you surrender all to Him and seek His face, He will be a Helper to you and also raise helpers for you. Always remember that Christ shall give you comfort and companionship. Be strong and courageous, for courage is a virtue that is not optional for children of God who want to fulfill destiny!

O LORD, thank you for Your Word. Give me the spirit of courage, and help me never to lose my ground of faith to the devil in Jesus’ Name.
